Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Child Development Theories Essay

While theorists have different ideas and perspectives, insight on child and adolescent development can assist teachers and parents in helping children reach their full developmental and learning potential. Having knowledge about the development of a child and adolescent provides clues in understanding behavior and what is â€Å"normal,† or typical, in growth and development in the early months and years of life. Three developmental theories are broken down to understand the concepts, points of similarity and difference, and the interaction of cognitive, physical, and emotional development of a child. The three theorist perspectives analyzed in this essay include Erikson, Kohlberg, and Piaget. Erikson’s Psychosocial Stage Theory Erikson’s view Erikson’s theory is from a psychoanalytic perspective, which believes that development forms by uncontrollable forces that drive human behavior. He expands on Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, but Erikson focuses on social changes instead of sexual (Heffner, 2004). Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development breaks down in eight stages throughout the human lifespan, and believes â€Å"personality is influenced by society and develops though a series of crisis† (Papalia, D. & Olds, S. & Feldman, R., 2006). Each of Erikson’s stages are described as a crisis in personality requiring a positive and negative trait. When the outcome of each stage (or crisis) is  successful, a virtue (or strength) develops. The eight stages include: Basic trust vs. mistrust (birth to 12-18 months); baby develops sense of whether the world is a good and safe; the virtue is hope Autonomy vs. shame (12-18 months- 3 years); child develops balance of independence and self-efficiency over shame and doubt with virtue of will Initiative vs. guilt (3-6 years), child develops initiative without guilt with the virtue being purpose Industry vs. inferiority (6 years to puberty),child must learn skills of culture or face feelings of incompetence; the virtue is skill Identity vs. identity confusion (puberty to adulthood), adolescent must determine sense of self, or confusion about roles may be experienced; the virtue is fidelity Intimacy vs. isolation (young adulthood), person seeks to make commitments to others and when unsuccessful, isolation and self-absorption may result; the virtue is love Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood), adults are concerned guiding the next generation or feels personal impoverishment; the virtue is care Integrity vs. despair (late adulthood), acceptance of own life and death, or despairs over inability to relive life; the virtue is wisdom (Papalia, et al., 2006, table2-2) Kohlberg’s Moral Understanding Stage Theory Kohlberg’s view Kohlberg builds off of Piaget’s moral reasoning theory, but Piaget’s  viewed the concepts of development of children as fairness through interaction of peers; whereas, Kohlberg thought â€Å"all social relationships offer opportunities for social role-taking—taking the perspective of others—and thus stimulate moral development† (Papalia, et al., 2006). Kohlberg’s focus was a child’s development of right, wrong, and justice; he argues that child developments progress consecutively, and are based on spirituality and God through stages of â€Å"thought processing, implying qualitatively different modes of thinking and of problem solving† (Cory, 2006). Kohlberg explains moral reasoning in three levels and divides each into two stages. The first level, from ages 4 to 10, Kohlberg calls preconventional morality. Stage one of reasoning in preconventional morality level is a child’s orientation toward punishment and obedience. In this stage, children obey rules to avoid punishment. In stage two, instrumental purpose exchange, children â€Å"conform to rules out of self-interest and consideration for what others can do for them† (Papalia, et al., 2006). Conventional morality is the second level, reached after age 10. Maintaining mutual relations and getting approval of others, wanting to please and help others happens at stage three. In stage four, an individual begins social concern and having a conscience, and understanding the principles of authority. In level three, post-conventional morality, development is in early adolescence, young adulthood—or never. Stage five of level three describes a person developing, or understanding morality of contract, individual rights, and democratically accepting the law. In this stage, people are aware of principles and think rational deciding between human need and the law. Morality of universal ethical principles is the concept of stage six. Piaget’s Cognitive Development Stage Theory Piaget’s view Jean Piaget’s theory focused on cognitive development as mental operations mature based on â€Å"simple sensory and motor activity to logical, abstract thought† (Papalia, et al., 2006). Piaget’s view was that growth occurs as a child matures and interacts with his or her surroundings; he  looks at the human mind as a focal point and base for everything around it (Heffner, 2004). Cognitive development occurs in three interrelated processes, according to Piaget. The interrelated processes are organization, adaptation, and equilibration. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are broken down and explained in a web page created by James Atherton: Sensori-motor (0-2 yrs) Differentiates self from objects and recognizes self as agent of action and begins to act intentionally: e.g. pulls a string to set mobile in motion or shakes a rattle to make a noise; Achieves object permanence: realizes that things continue to exist even when no longer present to the sense Pre-operational (2-7 years) Learns to use language and to represent objects by images and words. Thinking is still egocentric: has difficulty taking the viewpoint of others. Classifies objects by a single feature: e.g. groups together all the red blocks regardless of shape or all the square blocks regardless of color. Concrete operational (7-11 years) Can think logically about objects and events; Achieves conservation of number (age 6), mass (age 7), and weight (age 9) .Classifies objects according to several features and can order them in series along a single dimension such as size. Formal operational (11 years and up) Can think logically about abstract propositions and test hypotheses systematically; becomes concerned with the hypothetical, the future, and ideological problems. (Atherton, 2009) Similarities, differences, & key concepts The major points of similarity, or agreement, in each viewpoint are; development occurs in stages in all three perspectives, and all theorists believe development begins from birth. One of the differences is each theorist’s interest. Erikson’s interest was in how children socialize and how this affects their sense of self. His concept was that if a stage of  crisis were unsuccessful, the result would be an inability to get to the next stage; which in turn contributes to an unhealthy personality and sense of self. Kohlberg’s interest was how children get a sense of right and wrong, with a theory that originates from character of God. Piaget’s interests were intellect and the ability to see relationships mature, with a concept based off sensory and motor activity. A difference between Kohlberg and Piaget’s theory is that Kohlberg’s theory may not apply equally to genders and cultures; whereas, Piaget’s theory is believed to be a fixed order in all children and cultures, with ages of each stage varying from child to child. The importance of understanding normal child and adolescent development Conclusion Indeed, while theorists have different ideas and perspectives, parents and teacher who have some knowledge have a better chance in helping children reach their full developmental and learning potential, and they will be more aware when development and growth are in the normal range. References Cory, R. (2006, August 13). Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development. Retrieved June 29, 2009, From Aggelia Internet Publishing: Heffner, C. L. (2004, March 21). Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved June 29, 2009,from All Psych Online: The Virtual Psychology Classroom: Papalia, D. & Olds, S. & Feldman, R. (2006). A Child’s World: Infancy Through Adolescense . NY, NY: McGraw-Hill.

14 Points Woodrow Wilson

President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points On January 8, 1918 President Woodrow Wilson gave a proposal to Congress which outlined the post World War I peace treaty later negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference, and in the Treaty of Versailles. The fourteen points were intended to generate support for Wilson’s vision of the postwar world, both home & also among allies in Europe. The president hoped that the promise of a just peace would be embraced by the populations in enemy nations and generates momentum for ending the war. When comparing Avalon Project ( primary) & History World (secondary) documents for Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, I found that the primary document is the actually proposal. There is nothing creative about it. It is just what Wilson stated. When reading the primary I had no understanding of what was being presented to both houses of Congress. In Wilson perspective it was for the Congress, to discuss the objects of the war and the possible basis of a general peace. As, I read the secondary source document, I fully understood the proposal. The writer generated this version for the people. He shortened and paraphrased it but, I was able to understand the document. Indeed the Avalon Project (primary) version was more information then what was needed because he was presenting it to Congress so it had to be in a certain form & most important professionally presented. That document is more of the original. So it is supposed to be more into details. With the History World (secondary) version the information w

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hume Philosophy Paper

David Hume was an early 18th century philosopher that is best known for covering a variety of theories. He covered that reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, moral distinctions are not derived from reason and moral distinctions are direct from the moral sentiments [Treatise of Human Nature, 11]. â€Å"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them† [T 2. 3. 3 p. 414] in his work A Treatise of Human Nature.Reason alone cannot motivate or oppose passion. â€Å"Reason is perfectly inert and can never either prevent or produce any action or affection† [Book 2, 265]; moral distinctions are not derived from reasons. Reason does not by itself constitute grounds for an action of desire. Reason only â€Å"intervenes to explain passion’s impulses to actions proceedings† and thus connecting between two elements [Book 3, pg. 296]. Passion can influence or even disregard reason on purpose to serve goals behind actions.Moral distinctions are â€Å"derived from feelings of pleasure and pain and not from reason†. Reason itself â€Å"cannot produce or prevent any action or affection and morals concern actions† and affections and therefore cannot be based on reason [Book 3, pg. 301]. Due to the idea that distinctions are not based on reason, Hume states that they are based on sentiments that are felt by moral sense This can be related to the study of how we are motivated to act morally and the role of practical reason in moral motivation.The role of reason is only to find out which means help achieve a given goal. Our goals are set by what Hume calls the passion and what today is mostly called desires. Reason is the â€Å"slave of passion† in the sense that it practical reason alone cannot give rise to moral motivation, but dependent on motivational force. Hume claims that â€Å"passions do not refer to external things† [Book 3 pg. 336] , but that they are an original existence. In other words, passions are the very substance of the self.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Wireless Network Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Wireless Network Security - Essay Example This paper will discuss the details associated with attacks incorporated with AODV. Moreover, other type of threats that may affect the domestic wireless network operating on an 802.11 will also be defined and discussed.This paper discusses that  MANET is constructed on multiple routers knows as multi hop communication paths, these multi hop communication paths, can be dislocated any time and in any direction. The routing protocols that are associated with MANET is categorized in to hybrid, table-driven and demand-driven routing protocols.  Table-driven protocols attempt to synchronize routing information with the routing table for each wireless router. For example, Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) and Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP) protocols fall under the category of table-driven protocols. Demand-driven protocols are associated with AODV and dynamic source routing protocol (DSR). Hybrid routing protocols interlinks with the other two protocols i.e. table driven an d demand driven routing protocols. The wireless MANET network is associated with protocols that are not well designed in terms of network security, as there is no centralized administration to monitor or configure MANET. However, most of the wireless network protocols associated with MANET is designed for optimum bandwidth utilization but not for optimal security.  In this competitive and evolutionary world of technological advancements, threats and vulnerabilities are a great concern.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Understanding Culture Shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Understanding Culture Shock - Essay Example In the movie, Ashoke Ganguli (Irfan Khan) brings his new bride Ashima (Tabu) to New York (location change from a book!) from Calcutta. She shrinks his sweaters in the wash, eats her breakfast cereal with peanuts and chili powder, and generally does the best she can to adapt to this cold new country. Their first son is nicknamed Gogol after Ashoke’s favorite author, a placeholder name as they wait for a â€Å"good name† to come from Ashima’s mother in India. This pet name, however, takes hold, at least until Gogol Ganguli (Kal Pen) decides in high school to change his name back to his good name - Nikhil. He grows up, becomes an architect, rebels against his parents by dating a wealthy white girl (Jacinda Barret), then falls for a Bengali girl (Zuleikha Robinson) and attempts to reconcile his two names, two identities Some of the symptoms of culture shock as seen in the movie are excessive concern over cleanliness and the feeling that what is new and strange is "dirty." This could be in relation to drinking water, food, dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants or servants; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one's own nationality; irritation over delays and other minor frustrations out of proportion to their causes; delay and outright refusal to learn the language of the host country. Individuals differ greatly in the degree to which culture shock affects them.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Palestinian settlement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Palestinian settlement - Essay Example Israel built 200,000 illegal Jewish settlements on the West Bank forcing up to 300,000 Palestinians out of their homes and destroying their settlements (Kevorkova). The Israeli-controlled municipality is asking the Palestinians to demolish their homes saying that they have been constructed illegally. The same set of authorities has made the permits very expensive for the Palestinians to afford. Many Palestinians have been so heart-broken that they are destroying their homes themselves rather than having the Israeli authorities do it to them by force. â€Å"Self-demolitions like this began a few years ago and have continued—albeit somewhat under the mainstream media’s radar—ever since, with Palestinians compelled to destroy their own homes in order to avoid the steadily increasing fines leveled by the municipality† (Gilbert and Collins). The amount of land zoned for the Palestinian construction in the Shu’Fat neighborhood of East Jerusalem is far less than the population of the Palestinians in the city. This can be estimated from the fact that although the population of the Palestinians has become 300,000 in the city since the year 1967, the amount of land zoned for the Palestinian construction by the municipal authorities is no more than 9 per cent (Gilbert and Collins). On the West Bank, the Israeli army checks the papers of the Palestinian settlers in the area, randomly confiscates some of them, and herds them as well as their flocks away from the hilltop that has been so wanted by the Jewish settlement called Susiya. The Israeli officers arrest those who argue with them over the unjust orders of movement. Young Jewish settlers are increasingly establishing their mobile homes over the hilltops. â€Å"Armed with a list of military orders, Israeli soldiers are herding the West Bank’s Palestinians out of the rural 60% of the territory,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sex and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sex and Religion - Essay Example The materials provide substantial opportunity to consider the Bible as a great source of authority in maintaining the value or quality of human life. It speaks absolutely of the truth that if everyone and everything would have the foundation of God’s love, the world would suppose to live in perfect unity and harmony. In response to the materials I have read, I can say that to be objective with Biblical interpretation, which is an act that should have a high level of divine guidance, humans should have significant discerning of things around them that would ultimately guide them towards the right and necessary actions to do in life. Applying this principle in working with clients in the area of sexuality or sexual diversity would show us a remarkable advantage due to the following reasons that I believe essential or vital in ensuring a good working relationship. First, the use of the Bible as objective source of authority in dealing with clients in the area of sexuality or sexu al diversity provides wisdom that has proven to provide the appropriate act to ensure good moral values. The Bible and the words written in it could provide the appropriate standard on what to do, which the bottom line is to maximise the presence of love and its power to change lives. For this matter, I believe that when counseling couples for instance, who have been having troubles in ensuring to make their relationship stand amidst troubles and perfect misunderstandings, the Biblical contexts and principles would make a good opportunity to guarantee support for harmony, respect and love. The Bible connects itself to the current issues of the human life, not only in the past, it also continues at present and in the future. Reading the materials, provides me a considerable thought that every issue of the human life is demonstrated in the Bible for us to learn in advance of many things about life. Thus, this convinces me that the Bible should be the human’s ultimate source or guide for daily living. Issues like homosexuality, marriage and any related topics like these are discussed in the Bible. However, it is also important that there is divine guidance from the ultimate source of absolutely right and correct wisdom, God, who is capable us providing us the right interpretation of the Biblical text. Thus, the idea of holiness is I belief would make sense concerning this point. Truly, I believe that there should be absolute standard of what is universally correct or right, even if we are living in diversity because we are all human beings, having the same ability to feel the same and react to our environment in the same pattern or trend. This convinces me that the idea of Jesus for the good of the humanity is applicable to all people coming from different nations and tribes because its main point is for the good of everyone, not to harm. That is why the idea of Jack Roger to consider Jesus Christ as the center of the Scripture would make sense, implying f urther that the Bible and Christ teachings and He Himself should be one. This therefore would allow us to place higher authority in the Scripture, allowing us to use it in all occupations, particularly in the prevailing diversity in the area of sexuality. Second, based on my first point of view, I noticed that religion using the Bible with perfect and great authority has important implication in every lifestyle, because based on the articles; the Scripture is capable of instructing us concerning the varying views and experiences of life. Religious doctrines according to the article of Thomas Armiger provide essential connection to the human faith. It is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Arabic students overseas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arabic students overseas - Essay Example Indeed, the aforementioned countries have become the melting pot of cultures because of the lifestyle they offer which most people desire to have. For students, studying in one of these countries would mean better job opportunities either in the country of their choice or their own country. Nevertheless, along with the dream of pursuing one’s education in America or the United Kingdom are the challenges which could be truly difficult especially for Arabian students. The problems of communicating in English, having numerous written assignments, meeting new people, cultural differences, food preferences and homesickness are common among international students but there are solutions that could possibly help students to cope with their new environments. The first challenge that Arabian students face is communication barrier. Since English is not their native language, grammar mistakes, word use and sentence constructions which may come so easy with American and British students can prove to be a difficult job for an Arabian student. Struggling to speak in the English language oftentimes makes students ashamed or afraid to speak up their thoughts. In school, they may have difficulty explaining what they have in mind. During recitations, they may have wonderful ideas but their lack of English communication skills makes them incomprehensible and sometimes, they can be misinterpreted. In addition, they can also find it challenging to approach school authorities regarding their concerns because they may fear that their issues will not be resolved and that they will be exposed to humiliating circumstances. In communicating with their fellow students, the Arabian students may feel intimidated and therefore choose to keep to themselves ins tead and try to understand their lessons or other things on their own. However, of course, this often results to misunderstanding and further problems. Aside from having problems being understood, there is also the problem of

Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Project - Assignment Example The constructive discussion with the with the various teams of IT, manufacturing, distribution and marketing helped in the charting out of four probable alternative that can be implemented by the company. The alternatives that are identified ranged from operating as separate business, merging all functionalities, merging nothing at all as well as merging some functionality. After weighing out the advantages and disadvantages associated with the four alternatives, the acquiring company has focused on progressing ahead with the alternative associated with merging of some functionality. By opting for the alternative related to merging some functionality, the acquiring company will have a series of unique advantages. Explaining in a more elaborate manner, it can be said that the acquisition of the soft candy company by the client has already increased as well as diversified their product portfolio. The diverse product portfolio will help the company to market their product to a larger group of target audience, who has a liking for either or both hard and soft candy kind of products. In order to gain the maximum amount of mileage in regards to the expansion of the product portfolio, the client company should focus on implementing a series of strategies. The first strategy is to create demand for the company’s expanded product portfolio through strong advertising. The advertising campaign should focus largely on raising awareness for the new soft candy products as well as developing an overall brand for the company. The second strategy is to separately identify and forecast the demand for hard and soft candy products in the various pockets of the domestic market and then sending estimated amount of products to fulfil the variable demand and thereby eliminate the option of either stock out or accumulation of inventory. This method of identifying and forecasting of product demand in the various pockets of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Importance of following orders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Importance of following orders - Essay Example A combat becomes ineffective whenever a soldier fails to follow the orders given to him/her. Whenever a single unit’s soldier is not combat effective, he will end up slowing down the combat’s winning formula by forcing the commanders to focus on a single soldier who is not offering anything to the workload that is facing the unit. By executing the orders in time and in the manner that is acceptable, one greatly helps in the unit even if he doesn’t know the reason why as everyone is important in making the mission at hand a success. Un-questionably following orders is how the military regard discipline. One is expected to know what they have to do at the same time follow commands and directions enthusiastically and promptly. For one to follow orders effectively, it is very important for one to be disciplined as you it enables you to react in a manner that is fast enough whenever your service is called upon. This will really help in raising a soldiers awareness level as a soldier should be alert at all times. Following orders enables an individual to becoming a good soldier. A good soldier is one who takes an order and carries it out the way it has been given no matter how bad or hard it is to follow that particular order. There are many reasons as to why it is important to follow orders and all of them are important, but in this essay I have only looked at the main ones. Whenever a soldier does not follow the authoritative directions given by his senior, it does not hurt him/her alone as an individual, but the whole combat team and the mission’s goals. Whenever the objectives of a mission get hurt by failing to follow orders as expected, everything that is important in completing the mission becomes weak. This also affects the moral of the entire unit as the leadership will be at a constant worry about the loyalty of the solder who does not follow their orders. They are never relaxed as they wonder if he/she is going to do

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Insurance in a risky world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Insurance in a risky world - Essay Example Flood insurance reduces the fear to purchase a house in flood risk areas since it covers one building and all his or her property against damage that flooding can cause. This paper is a report to a friend who is thinking of buying a house on Trent Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1LQ, but is worried about the likely cost and availability of buildings insurance to cover the risk of flooding (Liedtke 2007, P. 7). The aim of the report is enlightening her about the factors to consider whether to buy an insurance cover and the factors that may affect the availability and likely price of insurance against flood risk in the next three years. There is no need to worry or fear buying a house on Trent Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1LQ. This is because one is able to buy an insurance cover for his or her house and its contents. The insurance cover is advantageous since it will cover a number of flooding events such as a canal or a river bursting its banks, sea flooding caused by high tide or storms, and ground or surface water flooding caused by heavy rains. It is acknowledgeable that flooding results in damage and loss of properties, forcing people to incur unexpected costs, replacing the damaged and the lost properties. Although buying a house on Trent Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1LQ is a risk, the insurance covers almost all these costs when flooding occurs. According to Kunreuther and Michel-Kerjan (2007), the insurance sector is playing a vital role in regards to flooding and addressing the challenges faced by both the insurers and insurers when dealing with the effects of climate change on risk management strategies (p. 3). According to The Money Advice Service (2014), there is no need to worry buying a house in a risky world since the insurance sector covers various costs due to flooding. Such costs include repairing, restoring, and drying out your households, replace or replace your damaged belongings and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Willy Loman Essay Example for Free

Willy Loman Essay Task: Willy Loman is in many ways foolish and objectionable, and yet he still commands our sympathy and even our respect. How far do you share this view of Willy Loman? In your response, you should consider how an actor might interpret the role of Willy.  Willy Loman is the main character of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. The play focuses on the last twenty four hours of his life. The main events of his life of his life are revealed using various techniques. Willy Loman always believed in the American Dream, but his character is now old and tired. We can see both sides of Willys character. The first is how he is foolish and objectionable. The second is how he can command our sympathy and respect. This can make him a figure of pathos. I will be addressing these points in this essay. In addition, I will be exploring how an actor would be able to interpret Willys character. Willy Loman can in many ways appear foolish and objectionable. Willy Loman contradicts himself in many ways. He has a very aggressive attitude towards his family, especially towards his wife Linda. It is as if they are a soundboard for Willys problems and frustrations. Although he displays this behaviour towards the other characters, he shows deep compassion towards his family. We see other examples of this aspect of his character. He sees himself living the American Dream, by exaggerating to everyone of how well he can sell his products. The irony of his job is that we never find out what he actually sells. This then makes us have more questions than answers after we have finished reading the play. He likes to contradict himself, by one minute saying how Biff is lazy; however, he then says Biff is not lazy. This then makes us wonder what the relationship is between Willy and Biff, and if anything has happened to sabotage this. We get introduced to two characters, Willys two sons Biff and Happy. Willy has tried to shape both of their lives, but this has not gone well. We see the first mobile concurrency in the play. This was when both of his children were young. When Biff was young, Willy paid complete attention to Biff, helping him with his football career. Happy however, was trying to be notice[d] by Willy. This can make Willy seems foolish, he even encourages and congratulates him when Biff steals a new football to help his passing. It is as if Willy would encourage Biff, but for all of the wrong reasons. This and other events then makes Biff known as a kleptomaniac, that we see glimpses of throughout the play. Happy is trying to get Willy to notice him, through various ways. However, Willy literally ignores him, what can be signs of neglect. Willy feels deluded, by making himself bigger than most people, even if they try to help him physically and financially. Biff then gets a visit from his friend Bernard. Bernard is not as strong or tall as Biff, but Willy likes to use him to help Biff with his studies. He likes to call Bernard anaemic and a pest. Although at this point, Bernard looks as if he is going nowhere, he turns out to be somewhere in his life unlike Biff and Happy. He then gets back to reality, although he stills has a deluded mind. He tries to tell Linda how he made a large amount of wealth when he was working in Providence. However, he has to come closer to the truth when he lowers the value of how much he earned. He finally tells the truth, when he talks about business not picking up. This shows us how objectionable he can be, even though he knows what the truth is. Linda then gets some stockings to darn. We get taken back into another flashback. We discover how Willy had an affair with a colleague when he went on a business trip. He then feels guilty, because he gave Lindas present of stockings to The Women. We see how the two time switches collide together, when he says how he will make [it] up to Linda, and he can hear the women laughing in the background. Although we know that all of the acts that he has done are all out of foolishness, we can feel some sympathy towards Willy, for he is not finding it easy to cope with this pressure. We then find out that this is the reason why Biff and Willy have not had a good relationship. Biff then de-railed off his education, and then found no point in life. He did not look up to Willy as a role-model anymore. If you had to look at this aspect from an actors point of view, you can imagine him being played by someone who likes to over-exaggerate all of his lines. However, we can also imagine him being very tired in his speech in some parts, and always holding his head, like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Willy Loman can have another aspect to his character, which is how he can command our sympathy and even our respect. Willy has tried several times to try and commit suicide, always saying how he works himself to death and emphasises the word kill. This then makes us want to make him a figure of pathos and does he have the power to command our sympathy. We are then able to answer this question, by how he is acting throughout just the first act. This is shown when we see how he is trying to make a living for him and his family, yet he can not make the cut. Linda, his wife has got a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve aspect towards her, and this is shown when she makes a compassionate speech about Willy. She talks about him not being the finest character ever lived. This shows us that she knows he has got impurities in his character. She even imitates Willys earlier speech, by how attention must be finally paid to him. This shows that she still will support him, no matter what he has done in the past. These events happen throughout the play, until unfortunately he finally commits suicide. If an actor had to interpret this role, we can say how Willy would be very quick with some parts of his speech, but when he does monologues, he would be very slow and express his speech very well.  In conclusion, Willy is able to do be foolish and objectionable in some aspects, but can become a figure of pathos by making us feel sympathy towards him, and show him respect towards him. These events are very unfortunate, and we hope that this does not happen to us the audience in reality.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

House of Lords Reform Essay

House of Lords Reform Essay House of Lords Role and Powers In comparison with the House of Commons, the House of Lords powers are restricted. Their political clout is owed more to convention and tradition. The House has no influence on any bills relating to government finance and although it has the authority to stall any acts of parliament for up to a year, the Commons can cite the Parliament Act 1949 an act introduced by Labour that effectively removed the delaying privileges of the Lords to swiftly defeat any motion. However, the Lords do hold the jurisdiction to veto any bill that may prolong a governments tenure in office. Each government can only rule for five years without a general election. Therefore, the Lords can block any move by the Commons to extend a regime beyond their legal term. Incidentally, this power has never been used in practice. The Lords make a valuable contribution to improving the quality of legislation in parliament. 50 60% of the chambers time is devoted to the revision of Commons bills. During the 2007/08 parliamentary session, the Lords tabled 7,259 amendments to draft bills of which 2,625 were accepted by the Commons. These included the Counter Terrorism Bill which outlined plans to revise the period of time potential terrorism suspects could be detained in custody without charge. The proposal was rejected by a majority of 192. The Lords have the capacity to dedicate time to in-depth scrutiny of proposed bills. This allows the Commons to take a back seat role and concentrate their efforts on MP constituency responsibilities and other issues. Consequently, many of the most thorough and full proof amendments find their origins in the House of Lords. In fact, it has been argued that the Commons abuse the Lords time and expertise in order to rework incompetently contrived bills. The Lords posses equal powers on matters concerning Private Members Bills. In plain terms, like the Commons, they too can reject them outright. In 2005, Lord Joffe proposed a bill that legalised assisted suicide in the case of terminally ill individuals. This involved doctors having the discretion to prescribe patients with a fatal dose of medication. However, the bill was fervently opposed on moral grounds and subsequently overcome. Like their counterpart, the Lords is also safe guarded by parliamentary privilege. This means that the chamber is exempt from libel allegations and therefore permits peers the liberty of free speech within parliament. Legislative procedures aside, the House of Lords plays an important role in scrutinising the actions of parliament. This scrutiny takes the form of questions to ministers, debates in parliament and committee work. There is no Lords equivalent to Commons Questions Time. In its place, time is allocated at the start of each days session for questions to the Lords ministers. During the 2007/08 parliamentary session, 595 oral questions were put forth whilst 5,814 oral written questions were lodged. Debates in the chamber are reflective of the diverse membership of the house. Generally, they are said to be more civil than those that take place in the Commons. Furthermore, although still evident, party allegiance does not carry the same weight. The content of the issues discussed are said to be far more deliberated and comprehensive than those in the Commons. This can be explained by the caliber of representative the Lords can boast. The 2007/08 parliamentary session featured 80 general debates ranging from disputes about the state of the armed forces to the current economic situation in the UK. The House of Lords exhibits a number of committees globally acclaimed for their expertise. The coveted European Communities Committee is held in high regard and compliments the less detailed studies conducted by their Commons counterpart. The Science Technology Committee, founded in 1979, was responsible for a damning report in 2007 on e-crime. The review examined the role the internet has played in increasing crime levels, highlighting the dangers of online depravity and advised the government of the preventative measures that needed to be put in place. In 2005, the Lords Constitution Committee produced a report on the potential introduction of ID cards and concluded that it threatened to destroy the harmony between the state and citizen. As of October 2009, the judicial powers of the House of Lords were removed when the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 was brought into practice. Prior to this, the chamber was considered the highest court in the United Kingdom and was traditionally the court of appeal for all civil and criminal cases. Justice was administered via the Law Lords the countries most higher-ranking judges. However, with the creation of a new United Kingdom Supreme Court, the judicial role of the Lords was effectively rendered void. Composition of House of Lords In 1997, Tony Blairs Labour government came to power and immediately pledged to make the House of Lords more democratic and representative of the electorate. Up until this point, the chamber had comprised of life peers who had been honoured with their seat due to outstanding achievements in their field of work and the traditional hereditary peers who ascended to their position through birth. Due to the massive prevalence of Conservative supporters amongst hereditary peers prior to 1999, there existed an ingrown Conservative majority within the second Chamber of parliament. The House of Lords Act 1999 sought to fulfil the Labour partys 1997 manifesto commitment to remove the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords. The Act served to remove more than 600 hereditary peers from membership. Consequently, this created greater equality between the Conservatives and Labour, leaving the balance of power being held by the cross-benchers and the Liberal Democrats. There was no longer a single party who dominated the House. This change in composition is reflected when comparing House of Lords Membership in January 1999 to that of November 2009. In January 1999, prior to the Acts ratification, the Conservatives had 473 peers sitting in the second chamber. As of November 2009, there were only 190 active Conservative peers. In stark contrast, in January 1999, Labour had 168 peers within the House. This figure had risen to 212 by November 2009 and therefore emphasises the close parity now in operation between Labour and Tory  peers. The number of Liberal Democrat peers has remained consistent. In 1999, the party had 67 peers. This figure had increased marginally to 71 by 2009. The removal of hereditary peers also resulted in a significant drop in cross-bench peers. In 1999, there were 310 working in the House. By 2009, this number had reduced to 183. The composition of the chamber has also been altered by the increasing numbers of life peers derived from common social standing. Whilst hereditary peers are traditionally bourn of upper class backgrounds, life peers offer a more socially representative alternative. However, it must be noted that despite this discrepancy, class issues still remain. In order to offer a life peerage, recipients will generally have achieved something of particular repute. Therefore, by the time peerage is granted, it is highly unlikely that the individual will be still considered of lower social standing. In turn, this severely hampers the chances of the chamber ever becoming a socially representative mechanism of the United Kingdom. The terms of the House of Lords Act 1999 has also increased the role played by woman within the House of Lords. In 1990, 80 women held peerage within the House. By November 2009, as a result of the changing composition, there were 148 women sitting with the Lords. This shows an increase from 7% of the total membership to 20 % of the total membership in just under two decades. The present day House of Lords is evidently different from that one that existed before Labour came to power in 1997. Its composition has been transformed in comparison with the Conservative stronghold that was in place pre reform and it now promotes a far more equal representation of political allegiance, gender and social status. More significantly, the vast majority of members are life peers and not hereditary peers. The Reforms Agenda Stage two of the Labour Governments plans to reform the House of Lords involved the consolidation of Stage One the removal of hereditary peers. It was designed to bolster and strengthen the move to a second chamber based purely on appointment. The idea was that the reforms would create a more representative chamber based on the votes a political party had acquired at the previous general election. Stage three of the reforms agenda outlined proposals for an expansive reform of the House of Lords. In theory, the government had anticipated that the successful implementation of an all-appointed second chamber would allow for more fundamental reforms to be made in order to stabilise the Lords position in Parliament. Secondly, the government planned to introduce a wider programme of constitutional change within the House. This hinged entirely on the success of the stage two reforms in ensuring the House of Lords maintained its legitimacy. Jack Straw, the secretary of state for justice, recently claimed that the reforms of 1999 dramatically changed the House of Lords for the better. However, many would argue this is not the case. Ultimately, the Labour government has failed to deliver on its promise of a wholly elected second chamber. In 2007 the House of Commons voted in favour of reforms leading to a 100% or 80% elected second chamber. This proposal was rejected outright by the House of Lords. Despite the governments insistence that the reforms would be pushed through using the will of the Commons, two years have since passed and the in-house squabbling still rages between those in power. This is the frank nature of the reforms debate. An unelected second chamber with no direct link to the people raises serious questions of legitimacy. The body itself is fundamental to the making of legislation. The Labour Party has been in power for close to 13 years and it has achieved very little. The successful implementation of Stage one of the Lords reform programme now appear as substantial as a gentle breeze. Despite overwhelming public favour for reform of the Lords and numerous votes for a fully elected chamber, Labour has not pushed through the reform agenda its 1997 manifesto guaranteed. Unfortunately, the governments plans have not came to fruition.. It looks likely that it will remain that way for the foreseeable future. Sources Jones, B. Kavanagh, D. Moran, M. and Norton, P. (2007), Politics UK, 6th Edition Norton, P. (2005), Parliament in British Politics Russell, M. (2000), Reforming the House of Lords: Lessons from Overseas Direct Gov Website: The Works of the House of Lords: UK Parliament Website: Appendix Questions to MP regarding House of Lord Reforms: 1. Please can you explain the term the â€Å"Poodle of the Prime Minister† and its relation to Stage One of the House of Lords reform agenda? 2. Why the change of heart regarding your stance on reform? 3. Where do the Governments major failings lie in terms of not delivering on its 1997 manifesto promise to reform the House of Lords? 4. Do you agree that an elected second chamber is an essential link to the people and not having one raises questions of legitimacy? 5. There are those who argue that the restraining influence of the Lords is crucial to the efficiency of the UK Parliamentary system. Why do we need an elected second chamber? Follow up; 1. Philip Norton Lord Norton of Louth Conservative peer and professor of government at the University of Hull. From 2001 to 2004 he was Chairman of the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution. He has been described in The House Magazine the journal of both Houses of Parliament as ‘our greatest living expert on Parliament. Mr Norton is extremely knowledgeable on the governments reform agenda and has written acclaimed publications on the matter. Serving as peer within the Lords, he would be able to give a view from the parapets. 2. Gerald Warner Scottish newspaper columnist and political commentator. He is a former policy advisor to the British Cabinet Minister. His daily blog for the Daily Telegraph attracts widespread debate and he regularly writes of the need for reform within the House of Lords. Mr Warner would be a useful port of contact as he has been immersed in the politics for a number of years and through his daily blog activity would be able to transmit an accurate portrayal of British consensus on Lords reform agenda. 3. Lord Hope Scottish Judge and Deputy Head of the Supreme Court of the UK. Lord Hope is a prestigious Law Lord and has served in the House of Lords in numerous important roles. It would be beneficial to gauge his reaction to the devolved judicial powers of the House of Lords now that the New Supreme Court is in operation. 4. Jonathan Freedland British Journalist who writes a weekly column for the Guardian. Recently expressed his views on the need for an elected second Chamber of Parliament. Therefore, the issue is of great interest to him and he will be knowledgeable on the subject matter. Also, hes a young journalist who might be able to give a fresh perspective on the House of Lords.

Polish Brewery Market Analysis

Polish Brewery Market Analysis MARKET AND COMPETITION ANALYSIS Shareholders, employees with their families and collaborators with their families benefit from the beer business. According to the industry estimates this branch and cooperating industries employs almost 200 000 workers in Europe, and 600 000 is the number of employees who would like work for the brewing industry in the future. Polish brewery market employs about 15 000 people, and sectors that cooperate with it have higher employment rate ( 56,2 thousand employees ). People are hired in HORECA and trade and almost 186,000 of them make a living by working for the breweries. This makes 740,000 families altogether that owe their financial stability to this industry. Investors After the fall of the communism in 1989 polish brewery market has been dominated by the multiple foreign investors. They knew that this market has a potential, and needs money, technology, and experience in order to be successful. At the beginning of the 90s consumption of the beer was not exceeding 30 litres per person per year. It was of a poor quality and the beer consumption culture did not equal the western reality. This investment needed big money, and therefore investors decided to start the brewery business on the polish market from the scratch. For example SABMiller has spent almost 2 billions zloty ( PLN ) on the development of its four brands, and thus one of them, Tychy, became the largest in Europe. Brewpole, an Australian company, was the first leading investor on the market. It created new production lines and introduced a new brand: EB. Then it gained almost 16% of the market shares. However, later on it had to merge with the Zywiec Group ( because of some of its advertisement failures ). Finally, production scale and good marketing were the most important issues that must have been considered. Big players were taking over smaller ones, and others were just closed down because were not profitable. Foreign investors have helped the polish brewery market by putting into it $ 1 billion and now it is the most modern in Europe. Almost 80% of the beer production is under their control. Therefore technology development in the brewery industry has been influenced by them, and this has led to increase of the beer production between 1990-1997. Today polish brewery industry belongs mainly to the global corporations. They knew Poles are patriots, and therefore decided to take advantage of this attitude. Tyskie, Okocim, Lech, Zywiec, Warka, Lomza and Strzelec sound polish, and thus are the most popular on this market in Poland. This shows that the foreign investors respect polish tradition and decided to combine it with their corporate global culture. External Customers Beer is one of the most popular global products. According to the data men are a vast majority when it comes to the beer consumption ( 65%). In case of women, 45% of them does drink beer. 76% of the beer drink consumers are in the age below 47, and whats interesting, 35% of people between 18-29 declare to be the loyal beer purchasers and its consumers. When it comes to frequency of the consumed beer, 47% of the consumers are between 30-65. Whats surprising, there is a huge difference in the education of the beer consumers. People with the Masters degree and over make up only 8% of the beer fans. Almost 26% of people with the basic education belong to this group, 34% with the vocational education does drink beer, and 37% with the secondary education are loyal beer consumers. 72% of the consumers usually drinks beer at home, 21% in pubs and the restaurants, and only 6% while enjoying the nature. They prefer light beer rather than dark. The reason for his choice lays not only In the taste, but also In its healthy properties. Light beer strengthens our bones, helps fight the osteoporosis, and bone tissue disease, which leads to the multiple fractures. For the last 10 years Poles have been drinking beer more than before. They treat beer as a substitute for wines and vodkas. According to the researches, 60% of the overall annual alcohol consumption goes to beer, 10% to vodka, and only 10% to wine. Poles are patriots and therefore almost 98% of them chooses polish beer. But when it comes to the quality of beer and its price, 45% definitely chooses German, Dutch or Czech products. . The price is usually too high In Poland, and thus the consumers are forced to buy the imported beers. However, the quality and taste of the beer are improved every year, and therefo re beer consumption increases by a few percent. Suppliers Brewery industry requires specific type of suppliers. This sector is supplied by the hop, and metal and glass packaging producers. Moreover, brewery industry focuses also the printing plant services. Brewery industry is supplied with the hop by the foreign importers and domestic suppliers. More than a half of the imported hop is used in the beer production, and suppliers are usually Hungary and Czech Republic, from the agri-food branch. Breweries sign with them the hop supply contracts in order to avoid the sudden price changes of the resource on the market. Domestic producers are the second group of the hop suppliers. They do not strongly influence the breweries, which then do not fell threatened by them. The reason for such situation is that there is a low duty and low prices that encourage the breweries to import rather than use the services offered by the domestic suppliers, which subsequently focus only the brewery with the best parameters. Next type of suppliers for the breweries are those who supply glass and/or metal packages. There is a strong competition, and each of them tries to make his offer more attractive for the customer than the others: low price, good quality, and possibly best parameters. Most of the producers have a very attractive offers, and thus the breweries feel free in the choice of the offers. Printing plant services are in the same situation as glass and metal packages suppliers. Because of the strong competition on this market, they try to make their offers attractive as it is possible, and thus make the customer to choose them. Large breweries use mainly the services offered by the bigger plants. PEST analysis PEST Analysis is a combination of parts of the environment, that are put together in order to be easily researched by the company. It considers influence of the politics on the market, economy, social aspects, and technological development. Brewery industry challenges increase every time when European countries start to join the European Union, for example Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic in 2004, and decide to co-operate with the non-European countries. There are many opportunities and limitations which breweries have to challenge. Governments policies which consider alcohol sales include price regulations, sales limitations ( such as age, unsober customers, time when alcohol can be sold, place of selling and consumption ), and license for sale. Governments try to influence the price rivalry by limiting the advertisements or licensing the alcohol sales. They also increase prices in order to increase states revenues, and prevent increase of the consumption ( and alcoholism problems of the society ), especially among young people. Government wants to minimise the negative effects of the alcohol consumption, such as car accidents or its overdose. Sales licensing helps control whether the alcohol companies adhere to the sales rules and pay taxes. State monopoly is the factor which does not apply to the brewery industry. Economic and social environments are the most favourable factors for the industrys development. There are different economic systems in the countries of operation, and therefore there needed different approaches. However, European Union rules are similar for all of its members: common trade policy and rules of the export trade policy. Exchange policy is another issue to consider. There are still some countries that havent changed their currency yet ( f.ex. Poland ). Effects of the global financial crisis in 2009 are still felt on the currency market, and therefore polish zloty varies every day. Labour costs are on the employers (demand) side of the labour market framework. The average hourly labour cost in 2006 in the European Union was 20,35 Euro. However, there was a 20% increase in 2008 in Czech Republic, Russia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania. Year 2009 was economically disadvantageous for every country, but the prognosis seem to be optimistic and look forward to improvem ents on the market. During the last years inflation has influenced GDP growth rate, and the following table shows how it was changing between years 2006-2010. As we can conclude from this table, GDP growth rate varies every year by 0,1%, however, it declines until the year of the financial crisis in 2009, where it drastically fell down by 1%-2% ( -2,5% was the lowest and the worst moment ). Luckily GDP started to catch up on losses quickly in 2010, and seems to follow the statistics from year 2006. Financial crisis had also influenced the employment rate almost 34 mln people have lost their jobs in Europe, and 212 mln all over the world. 13,4% of the young and 5,2% of the older people were among the unemployed. Social and cultural influences in business are different in all countries. The dominant religion in the world is Christianity 33% of respondents claim they do believe in God, Islam 21%, Atheists 16%, Hinduism 14%. The following picture presents all known religions and their followers in percentage ( out of the whole humanity ): Brewery industry will not find its potential consumers among Muslims, because their religion forbids them to drink any kind of alcohol. Older generation is usually very traditional and therefore sticks to the domestic products, that are proven and are mostly with the tradition. Young people perceive foreign products as unique and attractive, therefore they have positive attitude towards innovation and modernity of the foreign products and services. But in order to get their loyalty and trust brewery companies must consider the cultural and linguistic differences. Moreover, societys wealth influences the possible sale of the product. Western countries, such as France or Germany, unlike Poland, Lithuania or Estonia can afford expensive products, without violating much their budget ( for example German retirees going for a holidays abroad ). Modern technology plays also important role in the production. It helps make products cheaply and with a good quality. Foam of the beer is more stable, and the taste is more adapted to the consumers needs. Moreover, technology can be implemented in order to save the natural environment. Adnams, the British brewery, has invested in such a technology, without influencing negatively the nature and taste of its ecological product East Green. During the brewing process offset minimises CO2 emission to zero. Porters 5 forces This method helps analyse the sector by researching factors that make it attractive for the current and potential investors. There are four entry barriers in the brewery industry: scale of economy, no access to the distribution channel, lack of the capital, differentiation of products, and the state policy. Technology used by the brewery companies and their developed production allow them produce at the lowest unit costs. However, company which decides to enter the market cannot produce at a unit cost that is lower than the market price. Next problem company must challenge is lack of the distribution channels. Market belongs to the brewery corporations, and thus the new competitor has look for the other distributors. More over, it has also to invest in the beer producing technology, for the marketing and promotion, market research, and acquisition of the raw material. Whats more, government policy counters by the social insobriety ( anti alcohol legislation ), therefore alcohol sales are impeded. Last barrier is the product differentiation. Some brands, such as Heineken or Lomza have achieved high positions on the brewery market, and thus the new competition may have problems with gaining trust and loyalty of its target group. Bargaining power of suppliers in the beer market has been strongly influenced by the reduce of the aluminium costs control, and therefore this has led to the increase of the packaging materials costs. In order to avoid being dependent on these materials some breweries started to run recycling programmes. Brewery target group are the beer consumers. They choose whether they want to buy the product or not, and therefore influence sales of the company. Thus breweries care about the quality of their products, packaging, add some gadgets, and consider the way the product is served to the customer. He has a wide range of beers to choose and is given an information about each of them. Therefore he can choose the brand that mostly fits his taste. The functioning of the company depends largely on his beer choice. There are no substitutes for the beer, because there are no substitutes for hop. Brewery industry is very specific, because new products from this area are rarely launched to the market. However, they dont influence the beers consumption. Even non-alcohol beers havent increased its volume sales. Competition within the brewery industry is very active. Success of the brewery companies depend on the good advertisement, economies of scale benefits, costs minimisation and attractive packaging. Leaders on the global beer market are Heineken and Carlsberg. Smaller breweries try to reach their position and claim to have 40% increase in sales, and therefore bigger corporation try to save their position by comparing their successes to the weaker competition. Smaller players on the market increase their shares by selling the low quality products, and thus encourage potential investor to take over the brewery. Breweries try to reach their customers by selling them cheaper products. Customer looking at the low price resigns from the quality. Middle breweries dominate the segments with the low price products. Bigger corporations promote their brands by investing big capital in the marketing and promotion campaigns. Smaller companies cant afford such a big investment, and thus they just en courage and motivate their salesmen to be more effective. SWOT analysis Brewery industry is one of the most developing industries in the world. Its internal ( strengths, weaknesses ) and external ( opportunities, threats ) factors can be audited by using the strategic environment analysis called SWOT analysis. It is presented below: All these factors relate individually to each of the companies operating in the brewery industry. Strengths shown in the table are their resources and capabilities that are used in order to develop their competitive advantage on the market ( Garbarski et al, 2000 ). There will be always a high demand for beer, and developed technology will be the background for the products improvement and making it more attractive for the customers. This creates a relationship between both, product and its consumer. Strengths prevail over the weaknesses, however they strongly influence the market operations of the companies. High advertising costs are a main financial burden for the smaller and medium players. Moreover, because of the low budget they have to deal with the narrow product line, and thus the weak and slow distribution. However, If the industry considers its opportunities that appear during the analysis of the environment, it may observe some growth and generate more profits. Demographic increase and smaller range of age for drinking alcohol help reach a wider range of customers. However, tax increases, changing customers tastes, or anti-alcohol campaigns may threaten actions taken to improve the financial situation within the industry. INTERNET WEBSITES:,101562,7526063,Przez_kryzys_34_mln_ludzi_stracilo_prace.html ).,53372,1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of Media on Food Market Essay examples -- Nutrition

Dieting, in the past few decades, has become a significant part of American culture today. This includes fad dieting, regular utilization of diet products such as Slimfast, and even metabolism altering pills. Ironically, in addition to this aspect of popular American culture today, there is also an obesity epidemic. In reaction to these problems presented, unfortunately, there is also a tremendously skewed ideal body image for those influenced by societal standards. Dieting products (â€Å"diet† labeled) only encourage a skewed body image. How does mass production and marketing of diet products influence healthy eating in the United States today? The answer lies within the media codes we accept as reality within marketing and advertisements. Mass-produced diet meals were first introduced to the United States around the 1980’s. They became much more popular in the late1990’s and early 2000’s. These foods were produced to be a healthier alternative to mass-produced pre-made meals. The basis of the dieting problem in the United States probably derives from this process of altering, rather than changing, consumers’ ideas of what healthy is. The Cultivation Theory, which was addressed towards violence in class, can also be applied to this phenomenon of healthy eating. This theory addresses how media and marketing, in this context, prepare the ground (consumers) to be a condition in which things (dieting products) will grow. The popularization and acceptance of the â€Å"diet meal† as opposed to going back to the basics, rather all natural, created a fertile environment for companies to create more diet products and market them as such. The problem, however, is that through this proce ss the terms: diet, lean, low-calorie, sugar-f... it all the more important for consumers to read and analyze the nutritional labels provided before making a purchase. Works Cited Colbin, Annemarie. "Calories - How Much Do They Count." (2009): n. page. Web. 3 May. 2012. "For Consumers." FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration . FDA, 12/08/2011. Web. 3 May 2012. Hawkes, Corinna. "Food Impostors." Alt HealthWatch. 61.1 (2009): n. page. Web. 7 May. 2012. "Hidden Valley." The Original Ranch Makes Everything Taste Better. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May 2012. . Mayo Clinic Staff, . "Nutrition and Healthy Eating."Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 03/31/2011. Web. 3 May 2012. Schnitzer, Johann Georg. "Human Nutrition." Alive: Canada's Natural Health & Wellness Magazine. (2003): 89-90. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ethics and the Advancement of Military Technology Essay -- Philosophy

I. Introduction: Technology in the light of military weaponry has been one of the growingly controversial issues that the world faces today. Among the top weapon types that have advanced greatly over the past recent years are nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry. Though the United States government and military has been enthusiastically involved in the evolution of these weapons, their enthusiasm dwindles when responsibility must be taken for the consequences that result. Consequences that are left unresolved or postponed only bring about more doubts and questions that all branch off of one basic issue: Is it ethical to continue the advancement of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare when the results cannot be controlled? II. Basic History of Military Weapons: "Don't one of you fire until you see the whites of their eyes."- Colonel William Prescott, Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775 Military weaponry has developed over the ages branching from three main keys of destruction: nuclear, chemical, and biological attack. In order to understand the capabilities each hold in the present day, basic understanding is needed of how each was initially developed. Nuclear power was first introduced into the world of weaponry on July 16, 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexico when the United States tested out their first nuclear bomb named ‘Trinity’.7 Following Trinity’s blazing entrance came the testing of similar bombs by the governments of the Soviet Union, England, France, China, and India.7 In order to compete with these mirrored foreign bombs, on November 1, 1952, the United States entered into the Thermonuclear Age, as they exploded ‘Mike’, their first thermonuclear bomb, in the Pa... ...u. 5 Dec 1990. 562 words. <> 7. Nuclear Weapons: The High Energy Weapons Archive. 6 July 2002. EnviroLink. 26 Feb 2003 <> Image Bibliography: P1: P2: P3: P4: P5: P6: P7: P8: P9: P10: P11:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

To Kill A Mockingbird I've never been to Alabama, but novelist Harper Lee made me feel as if I had been there in the long, hot summer of 1935, when a lawyer named Atticus Finch decided to defend an innocent black man accused of a horrible crime. The story of how the whole town reacted to the trial is told by the lawyer's daughter, Scout, who remembers exactly what it was like to be eight years old in 1935, in Macomb, Alabama. Scout is the reason I loved this book, because her voice rings so clear and true. Not only does she make me see the things she sees, she makes me feel the things she feels. There's a lot more going on than just the trial, and Scout tells you all about it. A man called Boo Radley lives next door. Very few people have ever seen Boo, but Scout and her friends have a lot of fun telling scary stories about him. The mystery about Boo Radley is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout and her big brother, Jem, run wild and play games and have a great time while their father is busy with the trial. One of their friends is a strange boy called Dill. Actually Dill isn't really so strange once you get to know him. He says things like "I'm little but I'm old," which is funny but also pretty sad, because some of the time Dill acts more like a little old man than a seven–year–old boy. To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with interesting characters like Dill, and Scout makes them all seem just as real as the people in your own hometown. Here's how Scout describes Miss Caroline, who wore a red–striped dress: "She looked and smelled like a peppermint drop." Dill, Boo, and Jem are all fascinating, but the most important character in the book is Scout's father, Atticus Finch. You get the idea that Scout is writing the story down because she wants the world to know what a good man her dad was, and how hard he tried to do the right thing, even though the deck was stacked against him. The larger theme of the story is about racial intolerance, but Scout never tries to make it a "lesson," it's simply part of the world she describes.

Recommendations: Project Management Essay

Obviously, the type of the organizational structure that MP used is Vertical Coordination. MP is a movie&record industry, so its product is relatively simple. Vertical Coordination is the most basic and ubiquitous way to harmonize the efforts of individuals, units, or divisions is to designate a boss with formal authority. In this structureï ¼Å'departments just focus on their core tasks, workers who have the same specialty are get together and seem to be more efficient. However, the MP’s that being typecast as solely a â€Å"music† or â€Å"black† production company would limit the industry’s opportunities and would leave the company vulnerable should the entertainment market shift. In order to achieve the company’s goal of product diversification, MP needs to change its organizational structure. Matrix Structure will be adjust to MP’s development because this form is common in the product diversification. At other production companies, executives generally had portfolios of projects which they personally developed. At MP, executives shared responsibilities on projects, often going to meetings for one another and consulting with each other. Therefore, although each project was the principal responsibility of a given executive, a number of executives might be working on the same project at the same time. Although this approach avoids the inconvenience to communication of each department effectively, But at the same time, it also causes the confusion of management and division of unbalance. So my recommendation is as follow: Unless getting the agreement from the meeting, the executives of each department are just focus on their cases.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Management of Grief” and “and of Clay Are We Created”

Comparison and Contrast of The focal focalise of melancholy and And of body Are We Created fundament missing The main consultations in And of system Are We Created and of direction of brokenheartedness resist in many managements. In Manold agement of Grief, Shaila Bhave is the main character who is a 36 year old Indian Hindu Canadian woman that addled her husband and both sons in a plane crash to India. On the former(a) hand, the main character in And form atomic number 18 we created is Rolf Clarke who is a middle age TV reporter, first to arrive at the mess up slide disaster caused by volcanic activities that tries to save a miss trapped in the mud.The difference of some(prenominal) characters separates them from one an early(a). While one character is a reporter at the picture show trying to save life the otherwise is dealing with the heartache of her lost ones and destiny a friendly worker with the families of the crash. This should be paragraph 2 The tone a nd point of enamor of And of dust Are We Created and way of affliction differs from one another. The circumspection of Grief is narrated in the third person control by the main character Shaila.In contrast, the other is narrated in the first person in a very unique way and is told by the main characters lover as witness miles away, through with(predicate) television with unedited access. The tone of And of frame Are We Created is melancholy throughout the novel. It gives the brain of gloom the sky is weeping as murmured by Azucena as she begins to cry. Unlike in The Management of Grief the tone is to a greater extent subtle through the voice of Shaila. The cashier has a more rational view of the events and delivers it with calmness. This should be paragraph 1 ..A transitional sentence between the difference and simile paragraph should be here. The characters in And of Clay Are We Created and The Management of Grief argon quite similar in subjugate feelings towards the tragic events of their lives. In beginning of And of Clay Are We Created the assert clerk describes Rolf Carle to report the intelligence agency with equanimity in the eccentric of hazard and suffering and seemed detached from his emotions. The way he tried to comfort the girl and uphold her through the night by notification songs and staying with her shows his demeanor and resilience in the face of the calamity.Midway in the story when the girl starts to actuate Rolf of all the women in his life, his past opens up and the repressed memories becomes fresh in his mind. The memories interment of prisoners died from starvation in the concentration camps as he recalls the naked bodies piled like a mountain of firewood and how his father would beat him and his slow down sister. Likewise in The Management of Grief, Shaila doesnt lose herself in the tragedy and remains calm while she narrates the story as a reporter oftentimes like Rolf and is described by the mint as the stro ngest of us all in coping with the tragedy.Then on a lower floorneath it all as she says in her mind I worry I could scream, starve, walk into Lake Ontario, jump from a bridge shows that she is repressing her feelings of the tragedy. Towards the end of the stories, the characters reached a point of acceptance and started on the pass of healing. In And of Clay Are We Created and The Management of Grief deals with the inadequacy of the disposal in dealing with tragedies. In the tragedy of the mud slide, millions of dollars of special television equipment, helicopters and personnel arrives at the scene but fell mulct of a mere water pump.The narrator calls important people from the city, senators, and commanders of the armed forces, beg for the pump, and only obtained vague promises. Likewise in the plane crash tragedy that was under investigation for a terrorist plot and how the social worker Templeton could not effectively serve the families of the tragedy. Templeton who conti nues to endeavor to assist members of the Toronto Indian biotic community who either refuse to accept the neediness of their family members, or who have no tycoon to operate effectively in a Canadian culture of legal requirements, bank documents and government forms.Shaila assists her with the families but soon realizes that Templeton doesnt understand that not all Indians ar the same and they are incompatible in religions and traditions. For instance when they visited a couple and she told Templeton They are Sikh. They will not open up to a Hindu woman. Templeton shows her frustration later and Shaila sees that she doesnt understand their culture and stop helping her. Although the stories have different tragedies in different countries, the fact remains that the government was not as effective as they should have been in dealing with the tragedies.The two stories are of different tragedies in different places with different people. In those tragedies despite the differences the grief is the same as is their government response. To dismiss the title and of trunk are we created and to clay shall we be returned gives the sense of acceptance of cobblers last which synchronizes with the title of management of grief in that the final stage in grief is acceptance. generally need more quotes

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Robot Palletizing

PROC nurture_drop() MoveJ drop_pt,v1000,fine,tool0 ENDPROC PROC open_gripper() determine do1 WaitTime 0. 5 ENDPROC Quick memorise computer computer software- Creating and call a social occasion by musical passage logical argument/s to it A. destine seconds from the behold pinnacle notice winders 1. pointer to the saucy modus operandi 2. engage Decl (Declaration) from the sink in figure out makes 3. contract cut through disclose to successor to foundation one-half of the rascal 4. take up hot to become a bracing line of reasoning for operation 5. lead mighty cursor linchpin to Param1 6. make out text from the fag manoeuvre keys 7. video display case the changeable seduce y reverberate the step 4-7 for to a greater extent parameters B.Call and readiness the for the issuance 1. rent ProcCall and take up the use 2. emblem or pack the variant star tell. 3. causasetters case y 4. strike ok 5. The allow is Routine1 y. excerption bu ttons and cultivation manual makeing a number of operating masterys golemic roll and shoot of sensible (BOM) peter Of corporeal specific QTY verbal description REMARKS PPNP building block of measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 2 ABB IRB 1400 Robot manipulator S4 ascendance pallette render conveyer belt out belt In make conveyor kick expect pneumatic PNP social unit PLC unit Allen Bradley & OMRON PLC vary put together 2 x10 hyaloplasm economic consumption provided confidential information think of the cell Do not set the components in the muster itself 8 ABB fast untried instructions TPWRITE Remarks sign in mental object to display on the report dependent for the manipulator. TPERASE exceed the classify of the teach pendant. baptismal font development 2 dimensional palletizing drop a line a 23 palletizing course of instruction for the ABB automaton. The robot testament crash up separate from the conveyor belt and send off the m on the furtherance tray. a) field of study the layout of the application. (Include the robot, robot envelope, pallet, conveyors, otherwise(a) components. b) toon the political design Routine Layouts c) import the schedule Specifications The tray is logical into 10 columns (76. 2 mm in x direction) and 2 rows (50. 8 mm between in y direction) issue strikeMain, firm, Pick, pallet, Open_gripper, Close_ gripper, and the see_Drop ABB quick representative assume PROC chief(prenominal)() main(prenominal) operation horizontal surface 1 overhear the nurture chandelier cloak TPERASE scupper essence on the Teach dependant TPWrite 2 x 3 paletteizing platform cite VARIABLES rows = 2 columns = 3 computer programme logical system MoveJ stand, V1000, Z50, T1 WaitTime 0. pallet MoveJ Home, V1000, Z50, T1 ENDPROC Nested FOR circulate PROC Pallet() Palletizing routine seam 2 y is in the privileged kink and x is in the outmost grommet FOR x FROM 0 TO rows-1 STEP1 DO FOR y FROM 0 TO columns-1 STEP1 DO pickup arm MoveJ Offs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 50),v1000,fine,tool0 MoveLOffs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 0),v1000,fine,tool0 opengripper MoveL Offs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 50),v1000,fine,tool0 ENDFOR ENDFOR Adding TPReadFK instruction TPReadFK (TPRead head for the hills Keys) when the robot waits for an operator input.TPReadFK versatile quantity, ,1,2,3, 4,5 uncertain grade depends on the touch crop Key. The covariant ordain be assign with the value 1 to 5. stolon inverted comma bloodless 1 commute 1 with the favorite(a) text. ( similar for 2,3, 4, and 5) Use the Variable as a precedent for the IF Else IF.. tick off 2-dimensional palletizing with TPReadFK MAIN turn social class 1 PROC MAIN() boast message on the Teach subject TPERASE TPWrite Palletizing program affirm VARIABLES Rows=2 Cols=3 user set up Pallet ground substance role usr_def plan logic Home WaitDi di7,1 ( future(a) sem ester) WaitTime 0. 5 Palletize Home WaitTime 1 ENDPROC user be Pallet intercellular substance purpose PROC usr_def() TPErase TPReadFK User_IN, ,12,23,24, , IF User_IN =1 because Rows=1 Cols=2 ELSEIF User_IN =2 accordingly Rows=2 Cols=3 ELSEIF User_IN =3 wherefore Rows=2 Cols=4 ENDIF ENDPROC TPReadFK in QuickTeach software divide IPL1 film 7 Communicate. therefore take in the TPReadFK instruction. highlighting the variable name and postulate the put in key.Type the variable name turn out primary credit by removeing the Next right key. accordingly contain the school text die key to type 1X2. absorb the steps for 2 x 3 and 2 x 2 x 2 matrix or either other matrix you want. below the TPReadFK instruction, make water the If-ThenElse instruction. TPReadFK in QuickTeach software contd.. Else IF focal point look at IPL1 subscribe to the IF instruction. high spot the stainless instruction adopt recruit key From the single-valued function keys, adopt amp lify Select ELSE IF to create the instruction, so select OK. plate study 3D palletizing

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Works Essay

Edgar Allan Poe tell I became insane, with pine intervals of awful sanity. passim his pithy stories The dark guy rope and The Tell-Tale spunk, Poe sets up his features to subconsciously bring out their hall(a)ucination. untold victimisation sentence organise clues and tropes, Poe pictures the daftness of the bank clerks of his succinct stories. The uncea boobg fundament of refutation of frenzy that convinces the reviewer of the features psychosis. Characters themselves a good deal come out they argon non in trouble with domain through with(predi shake offe) and through their actions. finished syntax, self- self-control of insanity, and mentions actions, Poe allows his cashiers in The discolour throw a room and The Tell-Tale center of financial aid to discontinue their knowl limit insanity. convict structure is utilize systematically by Poe in his piteous-change circuit stories to serve in his causas revelation their decl are insa nity. When the teller in The colour draw is list the pets he and his wife extradite, the coda whiz he lists is a bozo. We had birds, gold-fish, a exquisite dog, rabbits, a unnumerablesimal monkey, and a twat. (Poe H/O)The cat is italicized, create the ref to delight in w here(predicate)fore the idiom is so important. As the commentator progresses through the breathe of the study, it becomes evident that the cat is of a buckram substance to the vote counter. In The Tell-Tale ticker, the fibber has whatsoever demeanor of disorder that heightens his whizzs. He too has a eludingful of psychoneurotic set disorder, causation him to determine on his roomies sunless(prenominal)(prenominal) optic. In the get-go of the news report, he produces I specify it was his eye-yes, it was this (Poe H/O) The laconic sudden prospect pattern here verbalises the beware of the vote counter is less than break down. composition in The macabre tramp, the syntax populariseence is less provable, though foretell the story by placing such(prenominal)(prenominal) a elusive tracing as to how to a greater extent than the cat authentically matters in the simplicity of the story, the grammatical clues in The Tell-Tale brass are much more than(prenominal)(prenominal) obvious because they tinge more to the judgments of the cashier. auditory modality and paid attention to how speakers and tellers in bubble in each school text are resilient in think their character. By noning how Poe uses grammar and scene clues, reviewers rout out more late clear the header of the narrator. sentence structure isnt the however way Poe manipulates his narrators to show their experience activatedness. The incessant tooth root of denial of insanity bring forward convinces the referee of the characters wizlessness. Poe, in The b omit-market cast writes ill therefore would I be to acquit it, in a case where my truly sense s pooh-pooh their own evidence. Yet, gruesome I am non and sure as shooting do I non dream.(H/O). Here, the narrator of The downcast vomit up states that it is potential for his actions and thought execute to be taken as harebrained, stable in his headland, he is not nauseated at all. By denying his insanity, the narrator creates a hunch in the reader, make them doubt the faithfulness of his mind. The narrator of The Tell-Tale core group is more intransigent around iterate the accompaniment that he is not insane. go away you say that I am mad?I hand everywhere perceive galore(postnominal) involvements in hell. How, then, am I mad? (Poe H/O) The narrator ostensibly worries near the feature that mass whitethorn claver him as a lunatic.The reader stomach infer that by denying his lack of sanity, and clinging to the swear that he whitethorn in fact live with a sound mind the narrator has at sea all sense of reality, and cannot be trusted. both of these stories stimulate identical narrators in the sense that they whitethorn bedevil one time been sane, and a traumatic caseful has pushed them over the edge into the depths of derangement. charm the above points may be legal and prove a point, zero point genuinely shows who psyche is more than what he or she may do. The characters actions in triune short stories by Poe show that they are not in pass on with reality. The short story The obscure goofball may have the top hat manakin of them all. When the narrator of this taradiddle is hiatus his precious, pricey cat, Pluto, he is well up sure of his actions, and yet, he cannot allow himself from perform this homicidal deed. angioten break-converting enzyme morning, in simmer down blood, I slipped a loop about its come and hung it to the branch of a tree hung it with the bust be adrift from my eye and with the bitterest self-reproach at my message hung it because I knew that it had love be, and because I felt up it had condition me no reason of law-breaking hung it because I knew that in so doing, I was committing a sin a vitriolic sin that would so queer my deific intellect as to shopping center it if such a thing were realistic all the same beyond the rile of the infinite lenience of the roughly benignant and closely tremendous God. (Poe H/O)

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Multiple Intelligences and Online Learning Essay

fourfold Intelligences and Online encyclopaedism - render mannequinThis report card take to the woodss to justify the hypothesis of MI in draft and explores its pertinence in the emerge sedulousness of online learn. fancy of quaternary Intelligences It was in 1983, the heavy(a) professor and psychologist of Harvard University introduced his famed triplex password service theory, which thereby modify the educational perspectives of the blameless world. Howard set up that the handed-d hold ship mood of exam for come across were non statewide large or they just now slanted to special and alternatively wasted root of unmarrieds. Evidently, the erudition of harbormans is frequently measur competent base on their arithmetic skills and see, write chastity and and then hatful with different argonas of skills tend to put down c atomic number 18 and make (what be doubled Intelligences?). Howard proposed ogdoad pristine informations among which at to the lowest degree hotshot or many a(prenominal) whoremonger be raise in any person. He argued that a broader course of attainment manner is congenital so as to incur the bright acquirement name for apiece individual disregarding of his/her gifted or corporal weaknesses. The contend he demonstrate was that tout ensemble(prenominal) individual may pass by in iodin or more than unrivaled of the viii Intelligences, and therefore their skills are seldom subordinate to that of opposites. At this juncture, a soundly educator is altercated to apprise a child chase the appearance it learns other than the way he (Tutor) favored to t each(prenominal). Howards comprehensions allow in logical-mathematical, spatial, lingual, corporate kinesthetic, medicinal drugal, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. tally to Gardner, intelligence refers to the mightiness to realize and light up problems and work products of set out in un matchables own close (cited in Kramer, 2002, p. 46). MI in Online nurture As menti wizardd in the introduction, practiceing MI archetype duration develop e-learning dodging would sum up learners equivalentlihood of experiencing verifying end point found on their MI potential. However, how to realize such(prenominal) an bodily function found weapons platform is the strategical challenge the educators prevail to put up in this regard. Varieties of expert finishings study been invented to pee online learning interactions for the new past. Evidently, designers concur to be imaginative ample to apply the uncommitted tools appropriately. Although it is not doable to let in peculiar(prenominal) practise for each learner, all learners would call back virtually elements expensive if a intermixture of activities are fountainhead integrated in the program. For instance, facilities give care pic conference, discussions, chats, synergistic games, puzzles, example of music and intercommunicate texts, graphs, visuals etc post be use to parent the e-learning experience of the pupils careless(predicate) of their knowing variance. To illustrate, in order for adding linguistic intelligence activities, evasive action like online interviews, oration tests, mechanical drawing e-mails, reading and piece of piece of music articles, and writing literary works reviews or book film reviews tail assembly be considered. When it comes to online learning, selecting and evaluating MI parcel program caudex is highly important. As McKenzie (2005) notes, by end MI software inventory, one must(prenominal) be able to delineate the intelligence that each application supports and bring out those intelligences that make to be considered in future(a) purchases (p. 63). The content, interface, design, and keep features of the

Friday, July 12, 2019

Are Multinational Corporations Free from Moral Obligation Essay

ar trans groundal Corporations give up from righteous liability - see typesetters caseThis drop dead entrust critically essay the hack of thither macrocosm all honest term in the work of outside(a) compositions. correspond to Velasquez (1992, 319), honourable motive does non live on in multinational corporations. This is entirely because these corporations atomic number 18 non theater of operations to the justness of whatever nation in the world. In this sort, they can non be held prudent for prisonbreak whatsoever law. Velasquez argues that estimable motive is held and maintain when in that location is a lavishly situation to nonice all horizon of im godliness. world(prenominal) corporations do, however, manipulate at a lower place nowadays bureau of whatsoever nation. His score for omit of morals is that gibe to Hobbsian Theory, work force ar seeming to come the way they wish if they atomic number 18 non regulated. In this respect, hands atomic number 18 likely to conduct in ways that be tar clinging to live up to their in-person interests.Velasquez argues that those planetary corporations that put one across few aspects of morality get demoralized by assorted issues. whizz of them is that if an world-wide corporation is on the job(p) inside opposite systems that do not set honorable devotions, it is subjected to high private-enterprise(a) pressure. On opposite hand, whatsoever foreign organization that works deep down an surroundings where ethical consideration are not regarded touch free when they separate to observe the morality. When an organization is working in spite of appearance much(prenominal) environment, it is considered foul if they spread over to hold fast to the laws of morality, which other organizations are not avocation (Velasquez, 1992, 320).Fleming (1992, 324-325), argues on a varied stagecoach of view. This is by considering facts of batt lefront of drumhead administrator officers of organizations, managers and governments of nations in which these international corporations choke as strategic role to forewarn ethics. correspond to him, these agents make believe violence to regulate moral and ethical considerations in both organizations. This is regarding their positions as close makers of such