Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Language Learning Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Language Learning Autobiography - Essay Example On reflection, I realize that my first strategy was to imitate. Although I did not completely understand the teacher’s instructions, I was able to follow by imitating and taking the lead from peers. The English teacher would usually teach a new language point and then start with class choral work before moving on to a small group, pair work and then individual responses. This allowed me the opportunity to imitate the other students and thus not only improve my language knowledge but to improve my pronunciation. My experience, therefore, provides evidence to Skinner, who states that imitation through repetition is important in the early stages of acquiring a first language and learning a second language. I learnt and acquired English not only by study but by social interaction with teachers and peers (both local and ESL students) which necessitated me to pull on or extract the language I already knew and manipulate it for the situation at hand; in other words it provided me the opportunity of having to use English for communicative purposes rather than for classroom intent. Different cultures and curriculum proved difficult for me at first but I was able to catch up with other studies because my ESL teachers and other proficient English speaking peers helped me to adapt to the new curriculum. The school also provided similar conditions for me to work with more proficient peers in the classroom and I know that this interaction helped me in first learning and then acquiring my second language. Vygotsky (1978) (cited in Coelho, 2004) states that when a child is acquiring their first language they learn best by interacting with peers that are at a higher level in language development than themselves they will learn better. He calls this the child’s proximal development zone, which is defined as the level just beyond where the child is at. I now know that a similar process is evident in acquiring a second

Monday, October 28, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay QUESTION 1 A INTRODUCTION â€Å"The best and most successful organisations recognise that they will only prosper in the long term if they satisfy the aspirations of their stakeholders; including customers, suppliers, employees, local communities, investors, governments, public interest and environment groups. To satisfy this intense scrutiny and the demands for greater accountability in society, businesses and other organisations are increasingly recognising the need to measure, track and report on their social and ethical performance.† Ethics in purchasing and supply management can relate to a wide range of issues from doubts about suppliers business procedures and practices to corruption. Decisions on ethics and corporate social responsibility are at the heart of corporate strategy. They particularly influence the purpose of the organisation. By ethics and corporate social responsibility is meant the standards and conduct that an organisation sets itself in its dealings within the organisation and outside with its environment. Ethics is particularly concerned with the basic standards for the conduct of business affairs for example, policy with regard to honesty, health and safety and corrupt practice. Corporate social responsibility has a wider remit to include the organisation’s responsibility beyond the minimum to its employees and those outside the organisation. Topics will vary with each organisation but may include environmental ‘green’ issues, treatment of employees and suppliers, charitable work and other matters related to the local or national community not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; unethical business practices QUESTION 1 B INTRODUCTION The Chartered Institute of Management defines codes of ethics as a set of principles or values, used by organizations to steer the conduct of both the organization itself and its employees, in all their business activities, both internal and in relation to the outside world. Ethical codes go further than most policy statements in that they are focused on matters of right and wrong rather than just on standards of behavior and applies individually as well as collectively to the organsation’s members, and affects its internal affairs as well as those with its external stakeholders. Code of Ethics in Relation to Internal Issue This is a code that applies to all employees involved in the purchasing process within Kyerico. In addition to full compliance with the Kyerico’s General Business Principles, all affected employees shall: 1. ACT HONESTLY AND ETHICALLY * Carry out their duties in an honest and ethical way by ensuring that business policies and practices are aligned with ethical principles. * Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information acquired in the course of their work, except when disclosure has been authorized or is legally obliged. * Act in good faith, responsible, with due care, competence and diligence, without allowing one’s independent judgment to be subordinated. Provide information that is true and not designed to mislead. * Clearly communicate ethical expectations to those with whom they work. * Refrain from using or appearing to use confidential information acquired in the course of one’s work for unethical or illegal advantage either personally or through third parties. * Ensure the integrity of records; including documenting obtained discounts in a proper form. 2. AVOID CONFLICTS OF INTEREST * Avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. No actions should be taken and interests outside Kyerico should be avoided that may make it difficult to perform his or her company work objectively and effectively. No direct or indirect financial interest in a supplier or competing company is allowed. * The acceptance of gifts or personal favors of commercial value is not acceptable, which includes invitations to sporting or social events. It is to be made clear to third parties that personal favors can only influence the business relationship negatively and that business decisions are based solely on benefits to Kyerico and not on considerations of past or future personal gain. 3. FOLLOW A FAIR PROCESS TO SELECT SUPPLIERS AND AWARD BUSINESS TO SUPPLIERS * Support the principle of fair competition as a basis for selecting suppliers and awarding business to suppliers. * While considering the advantages to Kyerico of maintaining a continuing relationship with a supplier, avoid any arrangement that could, in the long term, prevent the effective cooperation of fair competition. * Fully comply with the internal purchasing process of purchase requests and purchase orders when awarding business to a supplier. No purchase will be done without a purchase order. * Not share information related to quotes from suppliers with any other supplier at any time. 4. SELECT SUPPLIERS THAT COMPLY WITH HIGH ETHICAL STANDARDS * Select suppliers and award business to suppliers that are committed to act fairly and with integrity towards their stakeholders and that duly observe the applicable rules of the law of the countries they operate in. * Terminate the relationship with suppliers that do not adhere to general Kyerico’s policies for suppliers, like the child labor and forced labor policies. Code of Ethics in Relation to External Issues This is a code that applies to all suppliers dealing with Kyerico. In addition to full compliance with the Kyerico’s General Business Principles, all affected suppliers shall: 5. CHILD LABOUR SHALL NOT BE USED * There shall be no new recruitment of child labour. * Suppliers shall develop or participate in and contribute to policies and programmes which provide for the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to enable her or him to attend and remain in quality education until no longer a child. * Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions. * These policies and procedures shall conform to the provisions of the relevant ILO standards. 6. NO DISCRIMINATION IS PRACTICED * There is no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation. 7. LIVING WAGES ARE PAID * Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. In any event wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income. * All workers shall be provided with written and understandable Information about their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and about the particulars of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid. * Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted nor shall any deductions from wages not provided for by national law be permitted without the expressed permission of the worker concerned. All disciplinary measures should be recorded. * Employment practices such as training or apprenticeship wages, pre-employment fees, deposits, or other practices that effectively lower an employees pay below the legal minimum wage are not permitted. 8. SUPPLIERS’ TREATMENT OF EMPLOYEES * Under no circumstances should suppliers abuse or intimidate, in any fashion, employees * Any disciplinary measures should be recorded. * Suppliers should have a grievance/appeal procedure that is clear, easy to understand and should be given to the employee in writing. * In the event that suppliers employees are unable to read, the grievance/appeal procedure should be read and explained to them by a union representative or another appropriate third party 9. WORKING CONDITIONS ARE SAFE AND HYGIENIC * Suppliers shall provide a safe and hygienic working environment, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. * Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training, and such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned workers. * Suppliers shall ensure access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water, and, if appropriate, sanitary facilities for food storage shall be provided. * Accommodation, where provided, shall be clean, safe, and meet the basic needs of the workers. * The supplier observing the code shall assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative. 10. HEALTH AND SAFETY * Suppliers shall ensure a safe and healthy workplace and provide a written safety and health policies and procedures that minimize negative impacts on the workplace environment, reduce work-related injury and illness, and promote the general health of employees. * Suppliers must provide training and adequate equipment to ensure workplace safety practices. * Suppliers should assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative * Suppliers should have appropriate health and safety policies and procedures and these should be demonstrable in the workplace QUESTION 2 Purchase management is the maintenance of an efficient supply chain (from raw materials to manufacturing to customers). It also involves several functions including: finding suppliers, estimating the cost of materials, contracting with suppliers, purchasing materials, negotiating, handling purchasing problems and maintaining purchase records. It is also responsible for controlling the cost of the goods ordered, controlling inventory levels and building strong relationships with suppliers. Employees who serve in this function are known as buyers, purchasing agents, or supply managers There are two major types of purchasing: purchasing for resale (retail and wholesale businesses) and purchasing for consumption (industrial businesses). Effective purchase management is essential to keeping the costs of developing products low and ensuring the development process is fast and productive. Because the process of developing products is so expensive, purchasing must be carefully managed and constantly improved. Several factors are key to effective purchasing management. Among these are: skilled purchasers, cost-effective, quality materials and reliable suppliers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dawn by Elie Wiesel Essay -- Dawn Elie Wiesel Essays

Dawn by Elie Wiesel In this report you will see the comparisons between the novel Dawn and the life of Elie Wiesel, its author. The comparisons are very visible once you learn about Elie Wiesel’s life. Elie Wiesel was born on September28,1928 in the town of Hungary. Wiesel went through a lot of hard times as a youngster. In 1944, Wiesel was deported by the nazis and taken to the concentration camps. His family was sent to the town of Auschwitz. The father, mother, and sister of Wiesel died in the concentration camps. His older sister and himself were the only to survive in his family. After surviving the concentration camps, Wiesel moved to Paris, where he studied literature at the Sorbonne from 1948-1951. Since 1949 he has worked as a foreign correspondant and journalist at various times for the French, Jewish, periodical, L’Arche, Tel-Aviv newspaper Yediot Ahronot, and the Jewish daily forward in New York City. Francois mauriac the Roman Catholic Nobelest and Nobel Laureate convinced Wie sel to speak about the Holocaust. Wiesel wrote an 800 page memoir which he later edited into a smaller version called "Night". In the mid 60’s Wiesel spoke out a lot about the Holocaust. Later on Wiesel emerged on as an important moral voice on Religious Issues and the Human Rights. Since 1988 Wiesel has been a professor at Boston University. Some of Wiesel’s greatest novels has been "Night", "Dawn", "The Accident", "The Town Beyond The Wall", "The Gates Of The Forest", "The Fifth Son"...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

India’s First Five Year Plan Essay

At the time of India’s first Five Year Plan, the government focused primarily on the agriculture sector. A large part of capital and technology was devoted to increasing agricultural production. This was effective at the time and is now referred to as the green revolution. The success of this plan convinced the Indian Planning Commission to shift their strategy. The NM strategy drew inspiration from the USSR and suddenly focused on rapid industrialisation in the second Five Year Plan rather than the agricultural sector as they had done in the previous plan. The NM strategy focused on industrialisation, mostly on the idea that manufacturing industries enjoy economies of scale, while agricultural production would face secularly diminishing returns. The productivity of labour could also be increased in capital intensive manufacturing industries while the surplus gained per labourer from agricultural production would be lower. Therefore, the available quotient for re-investment and the resultant growth would be higher from basic and heavy capital industries. Major developed capitalist countries like Japan, the U.S.A and the U.K took an alternate path to industrialisation called the â€Å"demand-pull† process. This involves starting with establishing consumer good industries, intermediate good industries and light engineering industries to supply simple materials and equipment to the consumer good industries. Agricultural development would lead to the growth of consumption good industries that supply basic consumption needs such as food and clothing and this in turn would lead to growth in agriculture. Under this system, even small increases in capital invested in agriculture would increase output and employment as opposed to the large amount of investment required for setting up heavy capital industries. This increase in agricultural growth would enhance the demand for consumer goods and gradually, basic and heavy capital industries would emerge. This path ensures a self-financing system without inflationary  pressures, as profits generated in the consumer goods industries would be re-invested in infrastructural industries. This could have been highly advantageous. The booming population in India, i.e. the growing labour force in the country was not accounted for due to the nature of capital-intensive industries. The growth of the basic and heavy capital goods industries did not increase the supply of essential consumption goods for an increasingly poverty ridden population. The large investment in infrastructural industries led to an increase in monetary demand and the slow growth in the supply of consumption goods could not match it. This led to growing inflationary pressures. In order to control the flow of private investment, policy makers implemented a system of licenses to ration industrial capacity between the existing firms. Therefore, private investment was not profitable and thus, efficiency, product innovations, technological advancements and competitive pricing were foregone. It can be seen that the fundamental problems of poverty and unemployment faced by India were not addressed by the N-M strategy. The neglect of agriculture can be seen from the allocation of the total outlay that was given to this sector in the Five Year Plans that followed the first one. Only large irrigation projects were financed and therefore the vast majority of small, marginal and subsistence farmers were neglected. The protection that these industries were given from foreign competition made India a high cost and technologically stagnant economy. In conclusion, it can be seen that only 25% of the plan expenditure was directed towards the rural economy which comprised 70% of the labour force of the country. Government employees and white and blue collar employees of public and private large-scale industries were the only people who benefited from the strategy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing in Contemporary Context

Marketing in Contemporary Contexts| October 15 2012 | From: Hong Minh VuStudent ID 1216011To: Dr. Amandeep TakharUnit leader of Marketing in Contemporary Contexts| | There can be various answers to this question, and it can be varied in depth and example. From my understanding, I feel that marketing does both. It creates and also satisfies needs of customers. For establised firms, it's essential to be able to satisfy the needs of customers. As they say, a satisfied customer is a profitable one.To be able to satisfy the customer's needs, the firm thus tries to understand it's customer's needs and then attempt try to deliver it. On the other hand, new firms or marketing these days also attempt to ‘create' needs. By doing so, the customer have a reason to buy the product. The basic reason customers purchase anything is they need it. However if customers have a perception that they do not need it, they may not purchase the product. Hence marketing these days have evolved to create needs for customers.Marketing these days does not only mean existing customers, which have needs but also non existing customers, which have no needs. Creating needs by marketing can mean the excellent usage of promotion activities, from words on a poster to colours on it. It can also mean effective sales techniques by the door to door salesman which can talk their way to sell you anything. The traditional concept of marketing was only about sales or meeting the â€Å"current needs† of a consumer. But the same cannot be felt, today with the number of firms on the rise in the same industry, state and even the same street.Everyone is in a race either to: * Capture a customer   and satisfy their needs * Create a customer and satisfy their needs. So what If the competitor has already captured the potential customer, there are many more people in the market yet to realize the need which is created but not actually needed. Let’s take an example. Mac Books or laptops are su ch a common commodity among students and even school kids irrespective of the fact that it is not really needed. Can’t they manage with a desktop at home? But now day’s companies do more! They educate people and give them eason to buy their products and this is what people might call it â€Å"creation of needs† people purchase something when they need it, if they think they do not need the product they may not purchase it. How many people today in Pakistan need I-pod? How many people really need Mobile + Internet + Camera + TV all in one set? Can we call it marketers created their needs? References Parsons, E. and Maclaran. P. (2010), Contemporary issues in Marketing & Consumer Behaviour, Butterworth Heinemann Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012), Marketing Management, Pearson Education

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Malcolm X Vs. Anne Moody

Malcolm X vs. Anne Moody In this paper I will discuss the valuable roles Malcolm X and Anne Moody played in the Civil Rights Movement. I will also compare and contrast their very different methods to fixing the problem. Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925 to Louise Little, a mulatto born in Grenada, British West Indies, and Earl Little, a Baptist minister and an organizer for Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement association. (X, p.2) His mother was a homemaker who looked after Malcolm and his seven brothers’ and sister’s. Malcolm’s father was an outspoken minister; because of this the family received numerous threats and was forced to move several times. Soon the Ku Klux Klan burnt his house, which was followed by his father’s murder. Malcolm did not only suffer abuse by whites, but also from domestic violence, also. His father beat his mother and both of them abused their children, except Malcolm. When his father passed his mother had eight children to raise on her own during the depression and could not handle it too well. She soon suffered from a nervous breakdown and his family was split up. The children were all placed in foster homes. Malco lm’s resentment increased through these hard times, which caused him to then be driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. Malcolm was first sent to a foster home and then a reform school. When he was in Junior High School he was the top student of his class, but his education was forever changed when a teacher told Malcolm his dream of becoming a lawyer was â€Å"No realistic goal for a nigger.†(X, p.38) After the eighth grade, Malcolm moved to Boston where he worked various jobs and eventually became involved in hustling. Roxbury proved to be too small for him, so in 1942 he took a job as a railroad dining car porter, working out of Roxbury and Harlem. In Harlem he became involved in the same things, robbery, prostitution, and drugs. After a ye... Free Essays on Malcolm X Vs. Anne Moody Free Essays on Malcolm X Vs. Anne Moody Malcolm X vs. Anne Moody In this paper I will discuss the valuable roles Malcolm X and Anne Moody played in the Civil Rights Movement. I will also compare and contrast their very different methods to fixing the problem. Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925 to Louise Little, a mulatto born in Grenada, British West Indies, and Earl Little, a Baptist minister and an organizer for Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement association. (X, p.2) His mother was a homemaker who looked after Malcolm and his seven brothers’ and sister’s. Malcolm’s father was an outspoken minister; because of this the family received numerous threats and was forced to move several times. Soon the Ku Klux Klan burnt his house, which was followed by his father’s murder. Malcolm did not only suffer abuse by whites, but also from domestic violence, also. His father beat his mother and both of them abused their children, except Malcolm. When his father passed his mother had eight children to raise on her own during the depression and could not handle it too well. She soon suffered from a nervous breakdown and his family was split up. The children were all placed in foster homes. Malco lm’s resentment increased through these hard times, which caused him to then be driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. Malcolm was first sent to a foster home and then a reform school. When he was in Junior High School he was the top student of his class, but his education was forever changed when a teacher told Malcolm his dream of becoming a lawyer was â€Å"No realistic goal for a nigger.†(X, p.38) After the eighth grade, Malcolm moved to Boston where he worked various jobs and eventually became involved in hustling. Roxbury proved to be too small for him, so in 1942 he took a job as a railroad dining car porter, working out of Roxbury and Harlem. In Harlem he became involved in the same things, robbery, prostitution, and drugs. After a ye...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Anatomy essays

Anatomy essays The esophagus is a strait tube about 25 centimeters long. Its function is to provide a passageway for substances from the pharynx to the stomach. It penetrates the diaphragm through an opening and is continuous with the stomach on the abdominal side. Circular muscle fibers at the distal end help prevent the regurgitation of food from the stomach. The liver is located in the upper right and central portions of the abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm and is partially surrounded by the ribs. It is reddish brown in color and well supplied with blood vessels. The functions of the liver include maintaining the normal concentration of blood glucose. The livers effects on lipid metabolism include oxidizing fatty acids at an especially high rate. The liver also deaminates amino acids, synthesizing various blood proteins, including several that are necessary for blood clotting. The large intestine is divided into 4 sections-the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colons. The large intestine has little or no digestive function unlike the small intestine, however it secretes mucus. The rate of mucus secretion is controlled by mechanical stimulation and parasympathetic impulses. The absorption into the large intestine is generally limited to water and electrolytes. Many bacteria inhabit the large intestine and may help the body by synthesizing certain vitamins. The stomach is divided into cardiac, fundic body, and pyloric regions. The stomach receives food, mixes it with gastric juice, carries on a limited amount of absorption, and moves food into small intestine. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

World Cup Host Countries

World Cup Host Countries Held every four years, the Fà ©dà ©ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup is held in a different host country. The World Cup is the major international soccer (football) competition, consisting of the nationally recognized mens soccer team from each country. The World Cup has been held in a host country every four years since 1930, with the exception of 1942 and 1946 due to the Second World War. FIFAs executive committee selects the host country for each FIFA World Cup. The 2018 and 2022 World Cup host countries, Russia and Qatar respectively, were selected by the FIFA executive committee on December 2, 2010. On June 13, 2018, the 2026 host was selected through a new process, the open votes of all FIFA member countries. Note that the World Cup is held in even-numbered years that are the interval years of the Summer Olympic Games (although the World Cup now matches the four-year cycle of the Winter Olympic Games). Also, unlike the Olympic Games, the World Cup is hosted by a country and not a specific city, as is the Olympic Games. The following is a listing of the FIFA World Cup host countries from 1930 to 2026. World Cup Host Countries 1930 - Uruguay1934 - Italy1938 - France1942 - Canceled due to World War II1946 - Canceled due to World War II1950 - Brazil1954 - Switzerland1958 - Sweden1962 - Chile1966 - United Kingdom1970 - Mexico1974 - West Germany (now Germany)1978 - Argentina1982 - Spain1986 - Mexico1990 - Italy1994 - United States1998 - France2002 - South Korea and Japan2006 - Germany2010 - South Africa2014 - Brazil2018 - Russia2022 - Qatar2026 - North America (united bid by Canada, Mexico, and the United States)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Interaction and Engagement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interaction and Engagement - Coursework Example Subsequently, the study will examine another project and offer five alternative design ideas that seek to enhance the interaction of the users with its technology and amongst themselves in a simple, yet engaging manner. However, rather than focusing on how specific technologies work to create the effects, the study will dwell on suggesting simple solutions that can produce the â€Å"Wow† factor. The case study being considered for this study is the â€Å"Piano Staircase,† a project created under the initiative of Volkswagen. THE PIANO STAIRCASE (Shinn 2010:6) The project, â€Å"Piano Staircase,† offers a staircase adjacent to an escalator on a subway in Odenplan, â€Å"Stockholm, Sweden† that makes passersby wonder as to what option to take (Shinn 2010:6). This was part of Volkswagen’s experimental campaign known as the â€Å"Fun Theory† that seeks to find out whether incorporating some innovations in design that contain the fun element can i ncite people to â€Å"engage in good behaviours† such as climbing the stairs instead of using the escalator (6). While Volkswagen and their PR professionals purport this as the fun element for the sake of entertainment, in actual practice they are aiming at analysing the needs of their audience and meeting their requirements in â€Å"new forms† (6). ... An analysis of Volkswagen’s innovative concept reveals that the inclusion of fun factor has enabled active interaction of most of the audience of the Piano Staircase as can be verified from the video clipping on YouTube. Their concept of encouraging more passersby to â€Å"choose the stairs† by providing a fun element in the design, works perfectly fine in this video (Piano Stairs: The Fun Theory 2009). The beginning, the video shows a nondescript, mundane staircase remaining unused by passersby who prefer the adjacent escalator. However, once Volkswagen adorns the staircase flooring with a piano key design on the floor, it attracts public attention. As a result, a couple of passersby, who initially decides to go by the escalator, reverses their decision and takes the stair after they notice a woman coming down the stairs and perhaps on listening to the sound of the piano notes as well. Subsequently, the video shows the number of people who take the stair increasing and as the video progresses, it shows the passersby interacting in different ways with the staircase and these interactions engage them intensely and actively with various aspects of the design of the staircase. For example, the pair of youngsters who walk the stairs finds the fun of the music quite engaging and fascinating. Lured by the design’s interactive charm, the boy hops around, in tune with the music. Similarly, a lone man walking the stairs jumps from key to key to listen varying notes of the piano. On the other hand, when a woman walks a toddler, the notes play the tune of â€Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.† In this manner, the piano notes cater to different audiences by understanding the needs of different users so that they can interact with

The Response of the Catholic Church to Nazi Anti-Semitism Term Paper

The Response of the Catholic Church to Nazi Anti-Semitism - Term Paper Example The Catholic Church offered no coordinated and widespread resistance to anti-Semitism, although many individuals either protested or acted clandestinely to save the lives of Jews. One might have hoped that, with the advent of the brutal anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime, the traditional anti-Jewish tradition in the Catholic Church would have been cast aside in favor of solicitude and concern for the persecuted. However, several historians have characterized anti-Semitism as a policy area in which National Socialism and the Catholic Church had considerable common ground. Generally, the response of the Church was inaction. At the highest level, the Pope failed to issue public condemnations of the atrocities being committed across the continent, of which he was made aware. However, it should be noted that, despite the failure of the Church as a coordinating institution to protest, many Catholic individuals protested actively and often heroically, and that privately, even the Pope tried to save some Jews from the death camps. While the widespread reluctance to act may have been partly motivated by a Christian tradition of anti-Semitism, the fear of reprisals agains t European Catholics was also a strong factor. In general terms, once Hitler had been established as Chancellor and had begun to consolidate his hold on the German government, the Catholic Church as an institution sought an understanding with the new regime, despite many of its less savory policies. In March 1933, in the course of a conference of bishops at Fulda, the Catholic Church in Germany abandoned its previously hostile stance towards the National Socialist movement, stating that ‘there was a reason to be confident’ that previous ‘prohibitions and warnings may no longer be necessary’ (Bracher, 479). At the same time, negotiations began for a concordat between the Church in Rome and the Nazi administration in Berlin.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Creative marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creative marketing strategy - Essay Example The emergence of competition in the industry among the different sectors has come up due to the fact that the labels compete on the quality of their products rather than the price. A person would buy a well known product for instance Louis vuittion or Gucci at a very high price compared to the same product without the logo. Due to this factor of attractiveness, marketing or product promotion has been a key tool to great sales for the fashion industry with different modes of advertising and marketing used. Currently, the fashion industry is a multi-billion industry that has seen a lot of investors and entrepreneurs enter the broader textile and apparel industry. The amount spent in US on fashion each year is 250 Billion USD and according to the analyses, the amount is set to double in the next ten years. This translates that number of people employed is set to increase and the annual global fashion industry revenue is also set to be rising in the near future. In today’s era of fashion industry, it is more than just availing products in the international markets, but it entails marketing, branding and shipping of products. Due to the differentiation of the world markets, uniformity in marketing may be hard, but with increase use of technology, marketing and availing goods in the market has become easier (Tungate, 2012). The problems of different trade policies, difference in trading currencies, laws and infrastructure have been reduced .The companies that have been leading in pr oviding assistance to small scale designers and Fashionist include; council of designers of America, Editd (UK) and Nike. These organizations have helped young designers scale up the tough competition through helping them brand and market their products. Economic boom or recession influences the general income of the fashion industry. During the boom, people will tend to spend more on luxury and new trends because they

Dementia Nursing Care Plan and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dementia Nursing Care Plan and Analysis - Essay Example Also, the evaluation methods for each assessment have been set. The plan has been prepared based on the review of relevant literature on dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and practices for the provision of care. Bill has displayed symptoms of Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (DAT). Early features of DAT include impaired memory, difficulties in problem solving, preoccupation with long past events, decreased spontaneity, impaired speed and accuracy of response. Individuals try to avoid unfamiliar activities, and disorders of perception and language may appear. During late stages of Alzheimer’s disease, physical and cognitive effects are marked and disorders in gait, paresis and paralysis of extremities, seizures, peripheral neuropathy, extrapyramidal signs, and urinary incontinence may be visible. Often, the patient is no longer ambulatory, and is mute, bedridden and is in decorticate posture. Sometimes myoclonus occurs in some individuals. Progression of Alzheimer’s disease is slow and could render the patient to a state of complete helplessness in eight to ten years. A distinct possibility is affective disturbances. The most effective tools to diagnose Alzheimer’s di sease are a good family history, physical examination, and laboratory and radiographic tests for ruling out other causes of dementia (First & Tasman, 2004). According to Access Economics (2006), over 200,000 Australians were suffering from dementia in 2005, which was about 1 percent of the population. Alzheimer’s disease, caused by abnormal changes in brain tissue known as ‘plaques and tangles,’ has been attributed to be the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 50-60 percent of all cases. The number of Australians with dementia in 2050 has been projected to 730,000, about 2.8 percent of the population, and a four fold fold increase from 2000 levels. In 2005, there were 52,000 new dementia cases, and the number has

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people Essay

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people - Essay Example One of the reasons stated for this good fortune is the fact that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II topped Amazons best sellers list for the first time in 2009. Most people play video games because they are fun and challenging but research shows that for children, certain types of video games can lead to aggression and often violence. This violence can be towards other children or it can evolve into other forms of violence. As an example, the game, "Grand Theft Auto has been criticized for teaching teenagers how to kill policemen. Studies show that the reason this happens is because teens become desensitized and find that killing the police is something natural after playing the game. Another example brings the researcher to school shootings. The shootings at Columbine high school in Littleton, Colorado took place because Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were playing a version of the game Doom. Video games have been blamed for a variety of crimes. As this researcher began to study this trend, there were several questions that came to mind. Do video games really create crime? If so, what happens to create this problem and What is being done abo ut it? The literature on this topic is vast because it has been the topic of several studies, many books, and many magazine and newspaper articles. Most of this literature supports the idea that video games create aggression and over time, this aggression leads to violence. Aggression can be defined as any behaviour, be it physical, verbal, psychological or emotional, intended to cause physical, emotional or psychological injury to another human being (Kirsh, 2006 p. 10). In our society, this definition can be seen in many television programs whether they are cartoons, other childrens programs or general television shows. As an example, programs like CSI and Dexter continue to be very popular shows because people like the voyeuristic view they have of violence that these

Technology Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Technology Plan - Research Paper Example Its head office is located at Redmond, WA. The company uses a web based platform to promote its business on the internet. It can be visited on: However, this is a static web site that only presents basic information about the company. In this scenario, the implementation of new technology based system will offer an excellent support and capability for establishing online sales. At the present, company has a large loyal customer base. In addition, Clean-n-Brite Business is basically a supplier of cleaning products to a lot of different companies and commercial areas. In addition, Clean-n-Brite Business provides different grade cleaning products for a number of different sectors. Additionally, Clean-n-Brite Business presently deals with a large number of corporations including hotels, processing industries, hospitals and public organizations, catering organizations such as leisure centers and schools. With the evolution in business, Clean-n-Brite Business has been able to see a lot of new opportunities as well as issues. Though, the greatest opportunity that business has got is in form of increased customer reorganization and business market position improvement. While talking about the problems that Clean-n-Brite Business is facing include handling the information and data gathered from various customers and corporations. As a result, the existing system which was created to manage these areas is not effectively dealing with these operations in an appropriate manner. Thus, there is need for a better system which can effectively and efficiently manage the operations and processes of business in an attempt to improve the organizational performance. For resolving this problem we have proposed the idea of application of a web based business platform. The new web based business platform will make use of the new technology based services for managing the online sales and transactions. The new system for business management will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people Essay

Do violent video games lead to violent behaviour among young people - Essay Example One of the reasons stated for this good fortune is the fact that the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II topped Amazons best sellers list for the first time in 2009. Most people play video games because they are fun and challenging but research shows that for children, certain types of video games can lead to aggression and often violence. This violence can be towards other children or it can evolve into other forms of violence. As an example, the game, "Grand Theft Auto has been criticized for teaching teenagers how to kill policemen. Studies show that the reason this happens is because teens become desensitized and find that killing the police is something natural after playing the game. Another example brings the researcher to school shootings. The shootings at Columbine high school in Littleton, Colorado took place because Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were playing a version of the game Doom. Video games have been blamed for a variety of crimes. As this researcher began to study this trend, there were several questions that came to mind. Do video games really create crime? If so, what happens to create this problem and What is being done abo ut it? The literature on this topic is vast because it has been the topic of several studies, many books, and many magazine and newspaper articles. Most of this literature supports the idea that video games create aggression and over time, this aggression leads to violence. Aggression can be defined as any behaviour, be it physical, verbal, psychological or emotional, intended to cause physical, emotional or psychological injury to another human being (Kirsh, 2006 p. 10). In our society, this definition can be seen in many television programs whether they are cartoons, other childrens programs or general television shows. As an example, programs like CSI and Dexter continue to be very popular shows because people like the voyeuristic view they have of violence that these

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Literature review

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps to manage currency risk - Literature review Example The topic mainly emphasizes on the hedging techniques that is required for managing the risk. While conducting international trade operations it has been observed that foreign exchange plays an important and significant role. The techniques of hedging generally facilitates the firms that are active in the international market to reduce or minimize the exposure towards the variation in the foreign exchange rate which could adversely and severely affect the value of the asset and profit margin of the business. With the presence and the existence of the derivative market it facilitates and assists the business in management of risk, arbitration and speculation in the derivative as well as the spot market. The topic also emphasizes or deals with the various financial instruments such as the foreign currency debt and the derivative related to foreign exchange which helps in neutralizing the risk and the topic also highlights the various benefits and limitations of the management strategie s of the various exchange rate risks. The author Cowan in his study has emphasized on hedging the financial risk that is mainly faced by the large or the multinational companies is by hedging its risk by the financial product forward. The multinational companies generally prefer hedging through the foreign currency loans and the operational hedging. The forward contract is mainly arranged and dealt by explaining and customizing the agreement or the deal that is carried out between the parties for fixing and determining the exchange rate for carrying out the transaction in future. The arrangement is conducted in such a way that it will eliminate the risk related to foreign exchange. There are also disadvantages related to hedging with forward contract which is related or associated with fixing the amount at a future rate. Entering into the forward agreement or contract can be explained as the method of transferring or passing of the risk

Monday, October 14, 2019

Illusions Realities Ibsen Essay Example for Free

Illusions Realities Ibsen Essay Introduction In Ibsen’s The Wild Duck, illusions and reality are set into a conflict within the story of a son’s personal desire to confront idealism. Throughout much of the play, the son, Greger, argues the value of truth with the reluctant Dr. Relling. Relling insists on the importance of illusions, but fails to discourage Greger’s intentions and a play that begins as a comedy quickly turns into a tragedy because of these conflicts. At the heart of the illusions in this play are the ways that people assume many roles in a family, impersonating multiple ideals as ways for managing their relationships. This theme of impersonation is also developed in Ibsen’s Ghosts, where family relations are slowly undone as the illusions and deceptions are stripped away. In both plays, deceptions are strategic and designed to protect the children from the pains and struggles of their families’ histories. Ultimately, in these plays, families are held together by illusions, yet torn apart by truths that have been concealed to protect the children. Illusions and Realism In The Wild Duck, as Relling continues to discourage Greger from revealing damaging truths about family secrets, Relling insists, If you take away make-believe from the average man, you take away happiness as well (Ibsen, 294). Relling is referring to the ways the Ekdal family is structured on particular deceptions; however, these are designed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. Hedvig, the fourteen year old daughter, represents one of the innocents, and Greger’s father, Old Werle, represents a part of the guilty side. The key to these dualisms of false and truth, innocent and guilty, illusion and reality, lies in Ibsen’s art of realism, which was a staging of the complicated threads that hold ordinary lives together. Within the ordinary lives of the families in Ghosts and The Wild Duck are tales of infidelity, corruption, greed, lust, disease, and other afflictions that characterize family secrets. For example, in Ghosts, the mother, Mrs. Alving, reveals the ways she has protected her son Oswald from the truths of her unhappy marriage. She tells her friend and priest, Manders, â€Å"†¦Yes, I was always swayed by duty and consideration for others; that was why I lied to my son, year in and year out. Oh, what a coward I have been† (315). Manders responds, â€Å"You have built up a happy illusion in your son’s mind, Mrs. Alving – and that is a thing you certainly ought not to undervalue,† (315) echoing Dr. Relling’s belief that illusions are sometimes more than a question of reality. In both plays, the deeper questions are about whose reality matters, and who may determine another person’s reality. Relling accuses Greger of having a plague of â€Å"†¦integrity-fever; and then whats worse you are always in a delirium of hero-worship; you must always have something to adore, outside yourself,† which Greger agrees to, without considering the consequences of this claim (297). In fact, Greger’s certainty about the dangers of illusions provokes the young Hedvig into an emotional despair, and she kills herself. The issues presented in this play are not about what is true, or false, but about the ways people build their lives on the past. Hedvig’s father, Hialmar, protects his daughter from truths that concern the actions of others, with consequences that have indirectly affected her life. In Ghosts, Mrs. Alving is protecting her son from truths that, in the end, have consequences on Oswald’s life, as he has inherited syphilis from his philandering father. The climaxes of these two stories result in the deaths of Hedvig, and Oswald and both deaths come about as a result of their learning the truths of their pasts. In each of these plays, the reality is what destroys the characters. Once the life illusions are taken away, there is nothing for the individuals to hold onto. As the illusions are shattered, reality becomes impossible to endure. Ultimately, by using realism to portray the value of illusions, Ibsen produces complicated questions about what is real and what is sometimes a necessary illusion. Conclusion Both The Wild Duck, and Ghosts are tragedies that involve what might be understood as â€Å"the sins of the fathers;† however, Ibsen seems to suggest that some truths are better maintained as illusions. In both plays, the truth destroys the lives of those who have been protected from the past and in both cases the past involves relationships that have indirect consequences on the children’s understandings of their lives. In the end, whether it is right or wrong to maintain the illusions is not as significant as the question of who has the right to determine what is real, and what is true for others. Works Cited Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"The Wild Duck,† Four Great Plays by Henrik Ibsen, NY: Bantam Books. Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"Ghosts,† Playreader’s Repertory, M. R. White and F. Whiting, Eds. , London: Foresom and Company.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Christian Witness: Eleanor Roosevelt :: essays research papers

After her husband's election to the New York state Senate in 1910, she performed the social role expected of the wife of a public official. President Wilson appointed Franklin Assistant Secretary of the Navy during World War I (1914-18). This was the same position that Theodore Roosevelt had held and did his best to promote war with Spain. The family moved to Washington. Eleanor for her part pitched into war work with the Red Cross. The end of World Wat I coincided with a grave personal crisis, the discovery of her husband's love for another woman. Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt were eventually reconciled, but the relationship was never the same. When they returned to New York in 1921 she determined to build a life of her own. She became active in the League of Women Voters, the Women's Trade Union League, and the women's division of the Democratic Party. Her personal emancipation was completed after Roosevelt was stricken with polio in 1921. Eleanor Roosevelt was determined to keep alive her husband's interest in public affairs. Sher was encouraged and tutored by Louis Howe, Roosevelt's close adviser, whom she had nortvapproved of. With his help she became her husband's political stand-in and an effective spokesperson. Eleanor by 1928, when Roosevelt actively returned to the political arena as a candidate for governor of New York, she had become a public figure in her own right. In 1926 she helped found a furniture factory in Hyde Park to aid the unemployed. In 1927 she became part owner of the Todhunter School in New York City, serving as vice principal and teaching history and government. First Lady Eeanor certainly must be classified as our greatest First Lady. When her husband became president in 1933, she feared the move to the White House would make her a prisoner in a gilded cage. But as First Lady she broke many precedents. She initiated weekly press conferences with women reporters, lectured throughout the country, and had her own radio program. Her widely read syndicated newspaper column, My Day, was published daily for many years. Traveling widely, she served as her disabled husband's eyes and ears. Her travels were lengendary and with out president for a First Lady. The cartoonists loved tommake fun, but in a more gentle way than is common in our modern era. One cartoon was completely black except for a miners helmet light with the caption of "It must be Mrs.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities Essay

Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities A number of core elements should be considered in health education and risk reduction program and evaluation activities. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction program activities: †¢ State realistic, specific, measurable, and attainable program goals and objectives. †¢ Identify methods and activities to achieve specific goals and objectives. †¢ Define staff roles, duties, and responsibilities. †¢ Define the populations to be served by geographic locale, risk behavior(s), gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. †¢ Assure that educational materials and messages are relevant, culturally competent, and language- and age-appropriate. †¢ Include professional development for all program staff. †¢ Include a written policy and personnel procedures that address stress and burnout. †¢ Include written procedures for the referral and tracking of clients to appropriate services outside of the agency. †¢ Provide for collaboration with other local service providers to assure access to services for clients. †¢ Assure confidentiality of persons served. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction evaluation activities: †¢ Include process evaluation. †¢ Require consistent and accurate data collection procedures, including number of persons served, quantity and type of literature or materials distributed, and demographics of persons served. A description of the tools to be used and definitions of various measurements (e.g., "unit of service" and "contact") should be outlined. †¢ Include staff supervision, observation, evaluation, and feedback on a regular basis. †¢ Include feedback from persons served. †¢ Designate staff who are responsible for evaluation and quality assurance activities, for compiling and analyzing data, and for documenting and reviewing findings. †¢ Define methods for assessing progress toward stated proc... ...apters to read Aug. 21 - Course outline 26 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 28 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 Sept. 2 – Health Promotion 2 4 - Health Promotion 2 9 - Health Education 3 11 - No class 16 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 18 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 23 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 25 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 30 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 Oct. 2 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 7 - Mid-term exam 9 – Fall break 14 - Coordinated School Health Programs 7 16 - Government Initiatives 8 21 - Programs that work 9 23 - Programs that work 9 28 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 30 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 Nov. 4 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 6 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 11 - Evaluation 12 13 - Evaluation 12 18 - Current and Future Issues in Health Education and Health Promotion 13 20 - PPD 25 – Interview presentations 27 - Thanksgiving Dec. 2 - Interview presentations 4 - Interview presentations FINAL TBA

Friday, October 11, 2019

Integrative Network Design Project Essay

Kudler Fine Foods was first founded by Kathy Kudler in La Jolla, California. It has expanded to two more locations, Del Mar, California, and Encinitas, California. The stores are generally spaced, about 8,000 sq ft, and have imported and domestic foods, including Fresh Bakery & Pastries, Fresh Produce, Fresh Meat & Seafood, Condiments & Packaged foods as well as Cheese and other dairy products. Kudler wants to see their company grow by upgrading their communications systems and making it wireless. The wireless technology upgrade will allow the company to have a better way of communicating between the stores as well as to the employees and customers . Network Overview With only three stores, their company is structured with only a few departments: Administration, consisting of Finance & Accounting, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, and Information Technology. With only three locations, Kudler does not need an extensive organization. They currently have a Bus Topology implemented that does not allow the stores to communicate with each other. The networks are separate and if a network server goes down, there are not any backups or securities set up. The ability to communicate wirelessly will give Kudler some mobility and will allow the locations to be centralized. The La Jolla and Del Mar locations each have a Novel 4.11 Server for POS as well as a UPS-Standalone tower, a bublejet printer, and a 56k modem. Their six computers are hooked up to a Ethernet Network and all systems use the Ethernet Network to hook on to the Internet. The Encinitas location has a Novell 4.11 Server for POS as well. Their location is a bit smaller with only three computers. Their network includes a 56k modem and Internet. A major part of the upgrade will consist of sales kiosks to have new computers with wireless networking capability. They will also include anti-virus software to protect client information from being attacked by viruses or worms. These new kiosks will also all communications to happen at a faster rate between the checkout stands to the inventory system. Employees will be able to check inventory and prices in real time. The rollout of the new system will need to happen in a series of phases. The first phase must be the layout of the rollout. Meetings will have to take place between the owners and the designer to make sure the standards are being met. The second phase will be the installation  of the network. The third phase will consist of testing the system and the security as well as training all employees and owners on the system. The third phase is extremely important in order for guidelines and rules to be established from the beginning. Once it has been tested and ready for implantation, the new system will go out in the fourth phase. The fourth phase will also include removing the old system. System maintenance will be included to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Comprehensive School Counseling Project: A Proposal

Educational reform is shaped by the commitment to provide optimum learning environments that will guarantee academic success for all students. A shift in the counseling program is introduced by the comprehensive school counseling model recognizing the significant roles counselors can play in maximizing potentials and achievement in every child. According to the American School Counseling Association (ASCA 1997), school counselors must aid schools to â€Å"focus on academic achievement, prevention and intervention activities, advocacy and social/ emotional, and career development† (Dahir, Hardy, Ford & Morrissey, 2005). The model provides â€Å"content, process and accountability methods† (Dahir et al. , 2005) that will help school counselors design programs to address the needs of the student population based on the information or data gathered. As expressed by Bilzing (1997), â€Å"random acts of guidance are no longer acceptable in 21st century schools† (as cited in Dahir et al. , 2005, p. 3). The major departure from the traditional approach in school counseling is the use of research as the basis for the design of a counseling program. From a service driven model, transformed counseling programs operate on a data-driven and standards-based model. In addition to counseling, consultation and coordination roles, counselors participate in advocacy, collaborative and team work, data-driven and results-oriented initiatives, and technology-based programs. Counselors work closely with other teaching and school staff to ensure that â€Å"every student benefits directly from the school counseling program† (Dahir et al. , 2005). Adopting a comprehensive counseling approach in school increases its propensity to address challenges of students and equip them with skills to face the changing demands of society. The research-based approach allows its continuous evolution based on data gathered so academic and psychosocial programs are created to address specific areas. The comprehensive counseling model has been found to increase student attendance and completion rates while decreasing suspension rates. Violence prevention interventions have also been established as a product of the approach. It is able to â€Å"address the needs of students in low performing schools and schools in crisis by using research based techniques to overcome the barriers such students face† (Dahir et al. 2005). Comprehensive counseling programs in school are able to deal with the specific factors that are affecting student achievement. â€Å"Professional development is an important supporting activity in the implementation of comprehensive developmental school counseling programs† (Dahir et al. , 2005). The involvement of other members in the school becomes beneficial to their personal and professiona l enhancement. Furthermore, the program has also been extended to involve parents. The information gathered from research â€Å"show the strengths and weaknesses of children, how the school counselor is meeting the student’s needs, what areas the student needs to focus on to succeed, and incorporate the home support in all domains of the program† (Dahir et al. , 2005). It is gradually becoming a positive agent for improvements in the environment that surrounds the student — home, school and community. Review of Literature There is a general agreement that most of the nation’s problem is best addressed through prevention and proactive intervention. Thompson (2002) highlights the fact that â€Å"educational, political, and economic trends, as well as the critical needs of today’s youth, are redefining the role and function of the professional school counselor†. Furthermore, in a society where diversity is becoming a rule rather than an exception, â€Å"school counselors have come to represent a reservoir of stability and congruency of information† (Thompson, 2002). This can only be achieved through research-based approach to program design and following a developmental model of program implementation. It is the comprehensive counseling program which follows an inclusive model, being able to cater to all students within varying developmental needs. What is the best intervention that will work? This is perhaps one, if not the most, daunting question of school counselors. Until recently, psychological and counseling models were the primary sources of information. The advent of evidenced-based school counseling however, is providing a brighter direction for school counselors as well as decreasing the margin of error for the choice of intervention. Sexton, Schofield, and Whitson (1997) have argued that â€Å"the use of existing outcome research to guide both training and practice can help ensure that professional activities reflect best practices and are consistent with each other† (qtd. in Dimmitt, Carey, & Hatch, 2007, p. 3). The comprehensive school counseling model therefore, by adopting an evidenced-base approach, increases the integrity and validity of the program implemented. Further support for the crucial role of the counselor and the benefits of using empirical data in program design is provided in the literature review conducted by White and Kelly (2010). They focused on how the comprehensive counseling program can address the problem of school dropout. The approach is able to impact both risk-reduction and protective factors of potential dropouts. â€Å"The role that school counselors can play in helping to prevent school dropout is substantial and could ultimately enhance not only student outcomes, but also the trajectory of the profession of school counseling† (White & Kelly, 2010). Evidence has shown that absenteeism and tardiness, unless properly addressed, will lead to increased student difficulty and drop-outs. Counselors are challenged to proactively seek ways to provide early interventions for prevention. Another accountability of the counselor was discussed in the study by Wachter, Villalba and Brunelli (2007). The article highlights the academic and personal-social needs of students with ethnic backgrounds, particularly Latino(a) children in southeastern U. S. The results show that there is â€Å"a wide array of academic and cultural factors impacting student learning and development, in addition to a diverse collection of school-based interventions† (Wachter et al. 2007). The participants were also concerned with the â€Å"understanding gap† that affects the communication and perceptions between the Latino homes and the schools, which among other factors, impedes their academic success. It is the counselor’s responsibility to help close this gap by learning about the students’ culture to better understand their needs and help them achieve their goals. The hi gh incident rate of bullying in schools is a major and grave issue that is consistently facing school counselors. Young, Hardy, Hamilton, Biernesser, and Niebergall (2009) describes how data was used to provide a comprehensive counseling program to address bullying and harassment incidents in school. â€Å"As a result, the school counselors began to routinely and systematically track and use data to transform their counseling services† (Young et al. , 2009). The program allowed them to measure outcomes and if significant differences were attained due to the program implementation. So far, the studies previously discussed emphasized the role of the counselor in improving the psycho-social well-being of students. Accountability, however, is encompassing and includes achievement scores in academic subjects. Luck and Webb (2009) compared the achievement outcomes of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test of Grades 4-5 students who participated and did not take part in the counselor-led Student Success Skills Intervention. The results show that â€Å"students who participated in the intervention showed greater mean improvement in reading and math scores that students at the district or state level† (Luck & Webb, 2009). The outcomes led to greater appreciation of collaborative work between counselor and the teaching staff. Within the context of comprehensive programs in school counseling, addressing the issue of sexualization among girls was discussed in an article by Choate and Curry (2009). The authors argue that being a sensitive and ethically-laden issue, the counselors’ professional orientation and skills â€Å"are uniquely suited to play a pivotal role in creating effective change in this area† (Choate & Curry, 2009). There are many factors affecting sexuality of girls and the multiple services achieved through a comprehensive program makes it possible to deal with these factors in isolation and in their interaction. Clearly the comprehensive counseling model finds various applications and provides a holistic intervention for the students. But how prepared are those in the profession to adopt this approach in their practice? A study conducted by Dahir, Burnham and Stone (2009) revealed that â€Å"there are gaps in the school counselor’s ability to embrace and implement the new vision of comprehensive school counseling during the initial stages of implementation. This finding necessitates professional development to better equip school counselors, as well as other members of the school — teaching and support staff, and administrators — for successful collaboration. Program Descriptions and Recommendations Based on the arguments and empirical data presented in the previous sections, it is highly recommended that schools shift from a service-driven model to a data-informed comprehensive school counseling program. The diverse populations co-existing in the school will greatly be nefit from the approach. The programs will be tailored according to the background and needs of the students. The socio-economic backgrounds and family context are creating serious impact on the performance of the students. Existing literature has provided evidence that counselor-led interventions to improve academic success are yielding significant differences in the test scores of the students. â€Å"The foundation is the basis of a comprehensive school counseling program† (Dahir et al. , 2005). The proposed program is aimed at developing the psycho-social and academic skills of students to help them become self-directed learners who are prepared to meet the demands of a changing society. It hopes to mold the students in the three important domains, academic, personal/social and career. Specifically, it hopes to address the learning standards in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Language Arts and Career Development. These foundational schools are important at this initial stage of program implementation and while other standards are equally important, they will be further addressed after the initial phase. It will also allow for proper monitoring and evaluation of the program. The outcomes will be measured quantitatively through standardized tests. Qualitative data will also be gathered through interviews and examination of work outputs of students. The delivery process will entail individual student planning. Career planning is recommended for the program where students will sit through a workshop to identify their personal vision-mission. This will be the first step in building their career portfolio. Responsive services will also be in place for critical cases. While topics for group sessions may be provided based on the counselor’s assessment, individual counseling will also be initiated for students mostly in need such as those with history of bullying or broken families. The school counseling curriculum will be initiated with the coordination of school teachers to improve academic performance. School tools or study skills will be provided by the counselor to encourage students to maximize their potentials and introduce different pathways to success. Feedback, monitoring and evaluation of the counseling program will be achieved through an effective system support. The guidance counselor takes the lead in engaging administrators, parents, the community and other sectors of society in measuring the outcomes of the comprehensive counseling program. On a regular basis, the school counselor convenes different stakeholders to provide information on the programs initiated and the current results. Management is the key for smooth delivery of services. Proper planning will involve scheduling of services offered. School counselors must also provide monthly reports to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Documentation therefore, is of utmost importance. â€Å"School counselors and administrators are challenged to demonstrate the effectiveness of their school counseling programs in measurable terms† (Dahir et al. 2005). Data will always be the primary source for the changes that are proposed and for further enhancements in the future. School counselors must take accountability for student achievement, in as much as teachers and principals do. Thus, the programs must be aligned with the objectives of the academic curriculum. Data must be analyzed and reflected upon to create the necessary changes in the program to ensure effectiveness. Appropriate measurement instruments will be adopted to be able to quantify the outcomes of the program.

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Essay

Academic Strategies for the Business Professional course was great for helping me develop into a very decent student. It was a great class with lots of information for school learning and use in the career field. It has assisted me to learn to use better time management skills. The more I use these skills the less stressed I will be. As I use the different styles of time management, it helps me determine which tool works the best for each activity I am doing. This also has helped me in my personal life. As I juggle school, kids, work, laundry, cleaning and a multitude of things that just pop up time management has become most important. It has allowed me the ability to work fulltime, go to school and still spend time with my family. My family is my number one priority! This class has been a blessing in disguise because it has helped me in many ways to still have that desired time. This course was able to show me a better me. I did not know how I learned the best until we had to take some quizzes in Unit 2 reading. According to, I am an auditory/visual learner. I use all three types of learning. The one I scored the least in was tactical, which for me is true. I do use that the least. When I learn I like a visual example first, then auditory if, I do not understand it. Being able to see something physically done at least once is the most helpful to me. Depending on the situation, I find it helpful to be talked through it while doing it. Mostly though I find that just being shown how to do something while I do, it is the best learning style for me. This will make me a better candidate in the business world because I know my strengths and weakness and will be able to apply myself in a productive manner. This course is a wonderful learning experience and I hope all my classes are like this. As I go forward in my educational goal, I will use all the neat tricks and skills we have been exposed to. My education is my short-term goal and I will mostly use SRI that we learned about in Unit 6 reading to help me with studying. (pg.4) I will also use the note taking skills also addressed in Unit 6. I am use to the outline system but I really like the Cornell System that I never knew existed until this class. (pgs. 6 and 8) I will have to start using the writing skills to my advantage in the future to ensure a great grade and hopefully a very enjoyable job in the future. As I work towards my long time goal, the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting system is going to be my new comrade. It is easy to write up and break down the goal into smaller pieces. (pg. 6) Without this skill I would be going, â€Å"I do not know what I want to do in the future.† This skill helped me figure out my short-term and is helping work on the long-term. It is not fully there yet but it is always a work in progress. Once you finish one goal, you tend to start another. References Unit 6 Reading page 4, 6, & 8 Unit 7 Reading page 6

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Physician Assisted Suicide - Essay Example In the film, Jessie states: â€Å"And I can’t do anything either, about my life†¦ it better, make it work. But I can stop it. Shut it down, turn it off like the radio when there’s nothing on I want to listen to.† ( This profound statement implies that the control over a person’s life is in their own hands, however, does this also imply that a person can choose to end his or her life simply out of a desire to stop living? Jessie’s life is more or less normal; therefore her desire to end her life seems inexplicable because it is motivated purely out of the desire to put an end to a life without purpose or meaning. It may be argued that there needs to be a more substantial reason for a person to seek death, yet the single-minded determination of the character to terminate a life not worth living is one that raises the issue of patient choice where suicide is concerned; should physicians always respect the autonomy of the patient that seeks to die through physician-assisted suicide and help them achieve their ends?. Terminally ill patients most often seek the release of death because their lives are too painful or unbearable and request their physicians to assist them in achieving their death. Surveys have been conducted in order to ascertain the thoughts of physicians in the matter of physician-assisted suicide. These surveys have found that physicians are of the opinion that the high levels of physical and mental suffering that some patients go through are most often the reason why they seek to die, while others seek to die in a dignified manner and are tired of life, or do not wish to be dependent upon others (Van Der Maas et al 39-49; Back et al, 919-25).  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

2-3 paragraphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2-3 paragraphs - Essay Example This debate on whether viruses are living or non-living continues, and challenges our very definition of what is alive and what is not. Viruses are thought to be not alive on their own, but with a potential for life if they can find a host. All living beings have a critical complexity which lets them autonomously perform metabolic functions for their own survival and since viruses lack this critical complexity, they are on the edge of life. They are not fully alive but not completely inert either, as they can affect living beings in tremendous ways. The genetic code of the Mimivirus, for instance, is extremely complex, and makes it quite similar to parasitic cellular organisms. It is in this complexity of genetical make-up that the true significance of a virus lies, because it enables the virus to program the host cells in ways that could unexpectedly change the direction of the host’s evolution as some of the virus’s genome becomes a permanent part of a host’s genome. Some of the genomes that may seem to have come into the human genetic make-up through bacteria may have actually originated in a virus. Thus, despite being on the borderline of life, the role of viruses in living beings and evolution needs to be considered at length in order to fully understand the nature of life and its

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Macroeconomics- methods of Economic growth for Singapore and Hong Kong Essay

Macroeconomics- methods of Economic growth for Singapore and Hong Kong - Essay Example The prices of goods offered by the economy have determination in a free price system (McEachern, 2012). The nations should look for the products and services that people are interested and focus on building them. Today, large nations that control the world’s trade depend on market economy since it is where they control and participate in both exports and exports. Singapore and Hong Kong are some of the new nations that have come of age and adopting the market economy to not only increase their competitiveness but also give it an economic advantage. Additionally, taxation laws are another way both Hong Kong and Singapore can use to encourage economic growth. If the economies do not give enough tax, they will not be able to supply the infrastructure and services they need to keep existing businesses or attract new ones. Investment in infrastructure and human capital – safe and modern infrastructure guarantees investments in the country. Any country with a high number of investors leads to more exports from the country. Better investments, thus result in the growth of the economy of the nations (McEachern, 2012). The roads in Singapore and Hong Kong are of high quality thus offer quick and efficient transport system for the goods and services. Besides, improved infrastructures attract investors and reduce the cost of production. Availability of cheap electricity and enhanced road network is paramount to opening interior areas as they have potential when reach. Some of the newly industrialized nations managed to reach the stage because of the developed infrastructure. Similarly, availability of human capital is vital is any economy because it determines the input required towards higher production. For instance, any nation that wants to attract investors must ensure that it provides personnel that assist in the daily running of the institutions as well as firms that have been

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Restricted by cult of domesticity ideology Essay

Restricted by cult of domesticity ideology - Essay Example In 1848, feminists held the Seneca Falls Convention, led by such thinkers as Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In response to the cult of domesticity, this convention revised the Declaration of Independence into a Declaration of Sentiments, which contained a specific list of grievances held by women against men. This convention did not mark a sudden end to centuries of forced gender roles: in fact, 1950's television did much to usher in a newer era for the cult of domesticity, with its shows about model housewives who were able to vacuum, cook dinners, and handle minor household difficulties, all while smiling and wearing pearls. However, there is also a great deal of literature concerning the dissatisfied women that raised families under this line of thinking. Rebecca Harding Davis' novel Life in the Iron Mills and Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes are two examples of works that explore the restrictions placed upon women by this cult of domesticity, using rhetorical devices and images richly to show the harm of this paradigm. Both stories parallel in their consideration of family roles, mutual obligations, and the ways in which gender expectations carry a heavy toll. The women that are central to the novel toil under the sway of men who are too boorish to notice the harm that the rules of domesticity are having on those around them. Both protagonists are men with blue-collar jobs, who come from families that have just entered the United States. Hugh is the main character of Life in the Iron Mills, a Welsh furnace worker, whose cousin, Deborah, secretly loves him. Davis uses a wealth of imagery to describe Hugh's life - his last name is Wolfe, which is suggestive of the primal forces that drive workers at the lowest end of the economic spectrum - and his routine seems to revolve around "eating rank pork and drinking molasses with occasional nights in jail for some drunken excess." Deborah, though, clearly suffers under the idea that the female is in charge of domestic affairs: after long days of picking cotton, she then is supposed to bring his meal the foundry every night, nursing a love that he is too self-involved to notice. The main character of Angela's Ashes is McCourt himself, as a young child who just has returned from the United States to Ireland, because life in America did not live up to its promise. Note the use of juxtaposition to describe his mother Angela, seen as "a pious defeated mother moaning by the fire." Three of the images (pious, mother, by the fire) could be seen as nurturing, positive images; however, the insertion of the words "defeated" and "moaning" in between those other images undermines the warmth of the domestic scene, showing the turmoil that rakes at Angela's soul. It is truly sad to see the depths to which Angela falls, because her connection with Frank's father began with an ill-fated "knee-trembler" (or sex against a wall, gaining its name from the couple "straining so hard their knees tremble with the excitement that's in it"(15). Of course, this one night of dissolution leaves Angela pregnant. If she had

Friday, October 4, 2019

How can public transport systems be improved in the uk Essay

How can public transport systems be improved in the uk - Essay Example The UK toad transport system, for example, is faced by endless traffic jams and expensive parking spots (Paulley et al 2006). This has called for improvement of the UK transportation system. More than other areas, the public transportation system needs improvement in order to serve members of the public better. A good public transportation system is vital in building a good society, in addition to creating a strong economy. A good public transportation system for the UK should be fair for all users and be properly integrated to ensure the effective flow of door-to-door transport services. To achieve this, public transport stakeholders should work together with local authorities and transport operators to improve rail and public road transport (Paulley et al 2006). There should also be improved access to public transportation system through good cycle paths, roads, and sidewalks for pedestrians. Furthermore, the transport systems, especially roads should have traffic signs which go a long way in easing traffic flow, reducing accidents, and providing direction to members of the public. A good public transport will ensure that people do not use their personal cars every time they travel, which is important in reducing congestion on the roads (Litman et al 2008). Reduced use of personal cars will also help in reducing carbon emission and consequently contribute toward the achievement of a cleaner environment. Currently, trains are found far away from many people’s places of residence and are often congested (Wiltshire Council 2011). The current train and bus services cannot compete with personal cars in terms of cost, comfort, and convenience. Furthermore, many bus and train operators are offer low quality services, are expensive, and charge varying fares. Public transport services can be improved through the implementation of traffic management systems (Wiltshire Council 2011). This will help free buses from

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Marketing Mix Essay Tyson Foods promotes several different types of food in the food chain industry. They are ranked 96 in the Fortune 500 in America’s largest corporations. Tyson’s produced poultry, beef, and pork, as well as providing the previous to several chain stores to use products. From McDonald nuggets to the Subway sandwich, Tyson is one of the largest poultry processing plants in the country. Tyson also distributes bag in bag products to stores which include Sam’s and Wal-Mart stores around the world. Tyson is best known for the appetizers and hot wings. Tyson has become one of the biggest marketers of value added chicken, beef, pork, as well as distributors to retail grocers, food service distributors, and national fast food and restaurant chains. The company thrives to helping feed the hungry and also donates to the American Red Cross. Other distributions include sending product overseas to Russia and Japan. From the United States to overseas, from grocery stores to restaurants Tyson Foods has become a leader of marketers in the food industry. They have done this by producing the mixture of products that customers enjoy and love to eat. Tyson has a marketing department that strives to be the leading provider in food service for the customers and consumers. The research and development department work hand-in-hand with the marketing department to achieve the leading market position for the products that are being produced today. Tyson brands have specific advertising that will attract the consumer in the market as well as on line through Check Point LLC. Tyson Brand name can been seen on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and in general just by surfing the internet. Product coupons can be found in newspaper, online, and grocery stores. All advertising is done within the guidelines of the Federal Trade Commissions. Tyson received the Mosaic and Diversity Achievement Award for multicultural advertising. â€Å"Powered By Tyson† television commercials help Tyson achieve the award by reaching out the multicultural groups in today’s competitive environment. The commercials also helped get the word out in a humorous way to give insight and show how Tyson protein adds strength and energy to everyday life. The marketing department specifically concentrates on things that focus towards consumer targets such as fast and easy or even pre-cooked. A major key point is to provide some relief to everyday consumer problems such as less prep time for meals or as easy as popping it into the oven. Marketing paper advertisements are primarily for adults who prepare the meals for their selves or for the family. Television advertisement is done solely without violence, prejudice, sex, and profanity. All marketing advertisement whether printed or aired on television does not disparage any religion, ethnic, or political group. As an ongoing basis, Tyson thrives to identifying the distinctive markets and business opportunities best for the company. Tyson is committed to finding the everyday solution for customers and the consumers through research and by coordinating a mix of activities on both rational and emotional levels. Tyson products are advertised through television commercial, radio stations, and newspapers. The way to attract the consumers to actually buy the product is by distributing coupons and in-store ads. Other ways to distribute coupons is in magazine inserts, on the internet, as well as the official Tyson web-site. When a customer is shopping in a local grocery store that is advertising Tyson products as a buy one get one free campaign, the consumer is more apt to buy the products. A working class family that is always on the go will likely try a Tyson product which is easy to prepare along with being affordable. Products such as Tyson Chicken Breast Tenderloins can be found in the frozen section in many grocery stores. This product is all natural, and is pre-cooked for convenience. It is always better to try a product when it on sale but Tyson Tenderloins is around four to five dollars for an average box of 5 breaded tenderloins. Tyson has a good marketing mix by publishing coupons which boosts sales of products and aid in the introduction of new products. The Tyson marketing team is promoting product several different ways to boosts products such as the Grill Ready or Any’tizers. Along with promoting the products, people can go on-line to the official web-site and get recipes, enter into sweepstakes, or watch video commercials. Tyson will also promote the new products available on the website along with cooking tips of the month and options to ask question and get answers from the experts. Some examples of promotions that Tyson has offered, give people chances to win prizes such as Home Entertainment Systems and maybe even a Ford Explorer. The promotional deals Tyson offers can be seen on the official web-sites, surfing the web, and even on FB and Twitter. Previous promotional deals have reached as far as sponsoring Nascar events and the Olympics to the America’s Junior Miss Pageant. Sponsoring events to promote Tyson products is reaching out to beyond the common household. This type of strategy goes to show consumers how being â€Å"Powered† by Tyson works in the economy and is how the campaign is moving forward to proudly â€Å"Power the World†. The Marketing mix of Tyson has grown over the years to become one of the largest industries in the world. Multiple productions of products include chicken, beef, and pork. From fresh to frozen, refrigerated to meal kits, Tyson has managed reach out to the consumers by advertising on the web, Facebook, and Twitter. Coupons are another way to get the customers to buy Tyson products even if they haven’t tried them yet. Tyson has gone above and beyond to spread the word on being â€Å"Powered by Tyson† by promoting public events as well as â€Å"Feeding the Hungry† when hurricane Sandy hit the east coast. Tyson is a company that supports the customers and the consumers around the world and is committed to the New Year’s resolution of â€Å"Eating Smart†. References Retrieved on January 9, 2013 from Retrieved on January 9, 2013 from Retrieved on January 11, 2013 from

War in Africa: The North African Campaign

War in Africa: The North African Campaign Destiny Yeakey The North African Campaign lasted from 1941-1943 (Erwin Rommel During this campaign, Adolf Hitler created The Afrika Korps; they were lead by Erwin Rommel. The Afrika Korps was the German expeditionary force in Africa. The Korps also had different groups of panzer divisions. Panzer divisions were the armoured divisions in the army branch of the Wehrmacht and of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Afrika Korps was beneficial for Erwin Rommel because they helped him maintain territorial gains in North Africa (Rommel in Africa, gain immortality in the North African Campaign, and fight a clean war. The Western Desert Campaign The campaign started when rommel arrived in libya (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya, ). In Libya he tried to take control of troops. Those troops were sent to reinforce the Germans allies (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya, ). He also tried to reinforce other things. He tried to reinforce the Italians position in the war (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya,). The Deutsches Afrika Korps were also created during this time. They were created for the purpose of keeping up with territorial gains in North Africa (Rommel in Africa They were first called the Army Korps (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya,). The name was changed by Adolf Hitler the creator of the korps. During the korps first battle they only had about 30 tanks ready for war (North Africa Campaigns Britannica). The struggle of the Suez Canal also became a problem during this time. The struggle started when hitler ordered attack in the canal and the u.s. embassy CairoErwin Rommel BHS). He ordered attack during the summer of 1942. The struggle was a big deal because the canal had main access to oil from the middle east (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The canal also had main access to raw materials to parts of Asia (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The North African Campaign Hitler causing the attack on Cairo and the canal cause oil to become a critical strategic. It became critical due to the increase of modern armies (World war 2: North Africa Campaign During this time they realized the naval battle and the campaign were mainly just extensions of each other (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The naval battle was a battle of the Pacific. The naval battle ended February 19, 1915 January 9, 1916. Italy attacked Ethiopia from its colony (World war 2: North Africa Campaign At this point the total control of Africa started struggling (World war 2: North Africa Campaign . The Egyptians eventually granted britain permission to stations (World war 2: North Africa Campaign Stations were large forces in their territory. The Italians also invaded Egypt (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The Egyptian forces captured almost 130,000 italians in their attempt to invade Egypt (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The outcome would have been better if the Italians would have stayed to themselves. For example if the Italians would have stayed neutral the British access to sea lanes would have remained assured (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The Italians wouldnt have lost 130,000 troops either. Panzer Divisions The panzer divisions were another force in the Afrika Korps. They were supplied very well. They had multiple kinds of weapons. Some of the weapons including tanks, assault guns, tank destroyers, etc (German technological superiority The main division that was based around guns was division 3 (German technological superiority The Germans were the ones who controlled the divisions. Saying that they had many divisions. The panzer divisions were 1,2,3 and a few 4 (German technological superiority There was only two divisions based around tanks, that being divisions 3 and 4 (German technological superiority The Afrika Korps relied on the panzer divisions. They relied on them for tanks and backup. They mainly relied in panzer divisions 3-4 though (German technological superiority Considering panzer division had about 8,553 tanks ready for each battle. The others were used as backup supplied with many various guns. In conclusions the afrika korps was beneficial for Erwin Rommel because they helped him maintain territorial gains in North Africa, gain immortality in the North African campaign, and fight a clean war. It was the only land based fight that the allies could take to axis power. And the war ended with most allied victories. The war ended in 1943. Erwin soon died on October 14, 1944.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Social Darwinism: Herbert Spencer and The Catholic Church Essay

Herbert Spencer was the most important Social Darwinist of the 19th Century. He was the first to begin thinking about evolutionist long before Darwin came out with his book on the "Origins of Species". He had many theories such as that everything evolves from one basic creature and then breaks off into more diverse species (Haberman (Hab.), 171). His theory was that social, political, and intellectual movements were caused by the development from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous. Spencer once stated, "If the advance of man towards greater heterogeneity is traceable to the production of many effects by one cause, still more clearly may the advance of society towards greater heterogeneity be so explained" (Haberman 2 (Hab2)) Spencer believed that governments should not try to change social environment, for it would hamper with processes of nature and individual liberty (Hab). He had a theory that evil would disappear if "every man may claim the fullest liberty to exercise his faculties"(Hab). Although this would onl...

The Emergence of the Middle Ages: 1000 ad Essay -- essays research pap

The Emergence of the Middle Ages: 1000 AD When the Old World Order began to crumble with the fall of the Roman Empire and the break up of the Mediterranean the foundation was laid for a new type of civilization to emerge, a â€Å"western civilization†. The Empire in the East continued, based in Constantinople.. It was the most obvious heir to the culture of the classical world. This culture still dominates Eastern Europe and Russia, through Orthodoxy. Islam was the religion of Arab townsmen. Led by Mohammad (d. c. 640, Hijira 622). They swept out of the Arabian Peninsula. [Lacey, 174] They eventually took control of all North Africa, Egypt, Anatolia (under the Turks) and for a time Spain. Islam is also is an heir to Classical civilization. It gleamed mathematics from Mesopotamia, Philosophy from the Greeks and Monotheism from the Jews. For almost a thousand years Muslims were by all objective standards more advanced than Western Europe Finally, Barbarians and Germanic tribes dominated what was left in the area known today as; France, Spain, Italy, Britain, Germany. This was the least developed of the three cultures that succeeded the classical world. It was dominated increasingly also by the Church of Rome. It was a Latin reading and speaking world, therefore the term "Latin Christendom." This area was to become the West. From around 600 to 1000 AD conditions were fairly bleak in the emergence of a western civilization. By 1050 AD the Latin Christendom movement ...